Dungeons and Dragons Online dashes through the Snowpeaks Festival as players grumble over the Monk


Christmas may be over, but that’s not going to stop Dungeons and Dragons Online from tossing a winter-themed holiday smack in the middle of January. Heck, we could use some frosty cheer this time of year! The Snowpeaks Festival is back with its signature icy course where you “slide, jump, and twist” to collect as many coins as possible to use for rewards.

Update 71.2 landed yesterday with the festival as well as a new Year of the Dragon Gift. For the next month, players can snag a free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic look for their characters.

Finally, a simmering debate continues in the forums over the revamp of the Monk class. There doesn’t seem to be a clear consensus about these massive changes, with some liking the bold direction and others lambasting it. The class revamp is still undergoing iterations in testing.

“What is happening is the dumbing down of Monks in sake of not being able to get the code to work right due to spaghetti code and a short timeframe to shoehorn this in by end of Feb,” one player said.

Source: DDO, 2, 3; cheers, Unhired!
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