RuneScape outlines tweaks to level 110 Runecrafting that include a new rune and new craftable items


With Woodcutting and Fletching having a new high-level mark in RuneScape, the time is soon coming for another crafting profession to hit a max of level 110: Runecrafting. That brings us to a new dev blog from Jagex that talks about some of what this will bring including a new rune and shiny new items that players can cobble together.

The post opens up by agreeing with player feedback that combination runes were going to add too much complexity for little benefit, which brings us to plans to add a new time rune to the MMORPG. This new rune promises an assortment of spells that have benefits such as doubled mining resources, extra damage to undead enemies, and location-specific teleportation, among other things. The post notes that these are just a few of the ideas being considered and promises that more information on how these spells get crafted will be shared later.

Another major highlight is a variety of new recipes 110 Runecrafting has access to, including a shinier masterwork staff and a new expansive pouch. Weapon crafting between levels 100 to 110 will also see some new steps that seek to grant an alternative method of leveling the profession without having to run to alters as frequently. Jagex is still not ready to put a firm date for these new levels of Runecrafting, but it is continuing to iterate and adjust.

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