During its past testing, CCP Games’ blockchain survival MMO EVE Frontier held a so-called “hackathon” event where players were invited to modify the game and make third-party tools for it. That same event is occurring once again in April, only this time the studio is offering participants a prize: $3,000 in travel vouchers, which effectively comp a hackathon team’s travel to EVE Fanfest. Because apparently this game is allergic to anything related to actual legal tender.
From April 29th to May 1st, “hackers” are invited both in-person at CCP’s HQ in Iceland and remotely to come together in teams and compete among themselves and the game’s devs to “create third-party tools and applications that enhance the player experience, such as interactive maps, data explorers, analytics dashboards and other utilities.” Fanfest itself runs from May 1st to 3rd, so winners and losers will presumably stay on for that.
Teams who make the best such utilities will see them showcased at Fanfest and will win not only Fanfest tickets but vouchers for Icelandair, an airline that specifically offers flights “to Iceland, from Iceland, via Iceland, and within Iceland.” The first place team gets vouchers that have a value “up to $3,000,” while three runners-up will receive $1,000 vouchers. So if you’re the sort of person willing to make tools for a blockchain game and win an extremely specific set of prizes, come and get it, we guess. At least it’s something to do if you arrive early for Fanfest.