In many games, the only weapons that vampires really need amount to “being a vampire,” but popular survivalbox V Rising has you playing as a vampire, and you kinda need an arsenal to manage that. Fortunately, the most recent development update shows that not only are vampires going to be getting some new artifact weapons, but they’re going to get some entirely new weapons from the ground up. Do you want to roleplay as Vampire Wolverine? Claws are here for you, champ.
Not your style? Well, how about a bladed staff twinblade that deals paired strikes in an elegant cutting dance? Or maybe you can let loose with the throwing dagger weapons instead. Check out all of the new artifact styles as well as a sample of the new weapon abilities in the official preview. It’s enough to make you almost forget about the natural predatory abilities of being a blood-sucking monster of the night. Almost.