It’s a new year of development for Camelot Unchained, and the team at City State Entertainment is buckling down to get a “proper gameloop” going for its backers.
Some of the current projects that the team is working on include getting the archery system right, adding swappable weapon sets, and fixing a pesky issue in which players could drown by standing in ankle-deep water.
The team said that, among other things, the January update added the new and improved Golden Plains biome. This was done to craft a zone that is “more like a living space that comes closer to matching the intended scale of CU gameplay.”
“This is a first pass map that intends to accomplish a lot related to everything from environment pipelines, to aesthetics, to gameplay support,” said Mark Jacobs. “Importantly, it also acts as a staging area for an upgrade to the Golden Plains tileset, including more savvy foliage spawning and improved grass assets.”