Yesterday, we reported on a media blackout protest being fomented by the EVE Online community in response to CCP Games’ monetization decisions over the past few years, with a kitted-out mining barge being a final straw for many. In that report, we noted one of those participating in the so-called EVE Blackout was the New Eden Post, a community news site, host of the podcast Trash Talk Tuesday, and one of the official partners of the studio. Though that last part is no longer the case.
The Reddit post linked above shares part of a Discord conversation with Redline XIII, one of the show’s hosts, who summarizes a private DM between himself and CCP that “was essentially ‘hey you can’t stream this and be a partner at the same time.’ So I chose to keep streaming it.” Replies to the shared image were unsurprisingly in support of Redline’s choice, and the Trash Talk Tuesday’s latest podcast was all about the blackout (though the broadcast is available only to subscribers).
At the time of this writing, the New Eden Post’s official Twitch channel is still streaming the EVE Blackout message and linking back to the protest’s official site. Furthermore, another check of the EVE category on Twitch sees the blackout growing. CCP Games, meanwhile, is continuing to not acknowledge the kerfuffle, instead reminding players of an upcoming Abyssal Proving Grounds event.
Further reading on the whole matter: