I hope you guys don’t suffer from leporiphobia because you’re about to see a whole lot of rabbits pretty much everywhere for the next few weeks in the run up to Lunar New Year, which lands on January 22nd and begins the year of the (water) rabbit according to the Chinese zodiac. That includes Guild Wars 2, as ArenaNet has announced its own Lunar New Year festival will return to the game next week.
“The annual Lunar New Year festival begins next week! Tyrians are celebrating the beginning of the Year of the Rabbit with fireworks, games, delicious Canthan food, and prizes. The Crown Pavilion in Divinity’s Reach will be lit up with traditional Canthan decorations and will be your party hub to usher in the new year. During the three weeks of the festival, you’ll be able to participate in various activities and minigames only available during the celebration. There’s something available for everyone—from the competitive, dodgeball-like Dragon Ball game mode to the agility-focused Celestial Challenge. By participating in Lunar New Year events, you’ll be able to earn loads of luck, which can be used to permanently increase the magic find bonus of your account. Magic find allows you earn higher-quality loot from foes, and bonuses to magic find obtained from luck are permanent and account wide.”
Do note that it’s in Divinity’s Reach as in past years, but maybe we can hope Cantha itself will have some celebratory decorations as this is, after all, a Canthan holiday in the lore?