World of Warcraft offers a new snake mount for six-month subscribers


Did you know it’s the year of the snake? It’s true. If you leave your house, you may at any time be greeted by a new hissing friend for the entire year. And while you might think that concept is being mean to any readers who suffer from herpetophobia, imagine how they’re going to feel when they find out that your new promotional reward for subscribing to World of Warcraft for six months or a full year at a time is a hissing friend mount and pet.

Of course players who don’t subscribe that long at a single go can still pick up the mount and the pet (either individually or together) more directly for $10 or $25 per version, so you can celebrate the year of the snake in whatever fashion is best for you. But lengthy subscriptions will indeed get you a snake delivered directly to your door. And those not suffering from herpetophobia should be delighted because hissing friend!

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