A lot has happened in the past year for Albion Online. Yes, the game is still in its test phase, but it’s a test phase that’s adding lots of new features on a regular basis and continually expanding and developing. The most recent post on the official site recaps the five large patches added to the game over the past year, along with a number of development discussions and an ever-expanding library of game lore.
Thus, the plan for 2017 is naturally for the team to sit around and do nothing. Just kidding; the game’s next update, Galahad, is being worked on now, with the patch planned for early 2017. It’s going to wipe the world and present players with a whole new world, one of the last big steps before the game launches later in 2017. So sit back and enjoy the ride, although “the ride” will include re-leveling once the next patch wipes everything and has you start over.