Justin Olivetti

Justin Olivetti

Senior Reporter

A casual gamer and long-time MMO fan, Justin is often heard yelling, "Player housing for all!" in the Massively Overpowered offices. In addition to news, he tackles LOTRO Legendarium for LOTRO, The Perfect Ten, Jukebox Heroes, the retrospective Game Archaeologist series, One Shots, and the Massively OP podcast.

Personal blog: BioBreak
Twitter: @sypster

Trove compensates players for recent downtime

A routine maintenance cycle for Trove this past Tuesday triggered a small crisis as bugs slipped in due to a new OS and network...

Lord of the Rings Online brings Christmas to July

Just because it's the middle of the summer doesn't mean that Middle-earth can't enjoy some frosty fun! Lord of the Rings Online is bringing...

Crowfall reveals how its dynamically generated maps are made

Not all randomly generated virtual worlds are created alike and from the same set of rules. With plans for multiple campaign worlds blinking in...

Black Desert Online gets ready to show off its remastered graphics

Is it possible for Black Desert to look any more gorgeous than it already does? Kakao apparently thinks so, because the developer has been...

Cursed skeleton ships have been spotted on Sea of Thieves’ horizon

Soon enough you'll have more to worry about in Sea of Thieves' oceans than other players and bad-tempered kraken. Rumors have it that the...
Here we go.

Champions Online brings back its Nighthawk event, creates the Samurai archetype

If a hawk is cool, a Nighthawk is four times as cool. Champions Online knows this, which is why it's bringing back its Nighthawk...

World of Warcraft admits that it has a serious leveling problem

World of Warcraft's expansion pre-patch kind of broke a lot of stuff that the devs are frantically rushing around trying to fix. One of...
For instance, six instances.

Aion EU ‘simplifies’ its gameplay with Patch 6.2 this September

With server merges and transfers out of the way for Europe's version of Aion, the dev team is able to turn its attention forward...
Cool, we get to live still!

RuneScape delays its newest elite dungeon for more polish while Old School RuneScape grows its team

RuneScape is excited about its new elite dungeons, but the team isn't quite satisfied with the performance of the second one to push it...

Missed LOTRO’s Weatherstock X? Watch (and listen) to the full experience!

Are you kicking yourself that you missed out on last weekend's Weatherstock X in Lord of the Rings Online? The tenth player music festival,...

Star Trek Online warps into Discovery’s universe as Stephen Ricossa steps down as exec producer

While Star Trek Discovery has proven to be a divisive entry into the long-running franchise, with some fans hating its take on the Trek...
Also, let's just put this out there, how about more robots?

City of Heroes emulator SEGS cranks up powersets

The Super Entity Game Server (SEGS) continues to push forward with its version to bring a full-featured open source emulator of City of Heroes...

EVE Online sparks a 4,000-strong player battle

EVE Online seems to make the most waves when its community pulls off a major scam, destroys a ship worth way too much real-world...
Stabby stabby

PWE’s Gigantic plans a heroic sendoff for its final weekend

"It's time to give Gigantic one last hurrah!" Even as the MOBA was given a death warrant earlier this year, you never got the sense...

Battle Bards Episode 125: Archlord

The Battle Bards are always on the prowl for overlooked soundtracks from overlooked MMORPGs, and this week, they might have found a new one...
We're not dead yet.

RIFT opens the River of Souls raid for progression players

Another day, another step forward for RIFT's progression server. Players on the Prime shard have another challenge to fill their current endgame time, as...

Bless Online: Server merges, compensation, and ‘summer camp’ with daily rewards

Bless Online's planned western server merges are live as of today as 15 servers merge down to four, two per region. Neowiz has compensation...

GOG offers No Man’s Sky refunds after players discover that multiplayer won’t come for months yet

As you may have seen, No Man's Sky is back in the spotlight thanks to this week's massive NEXT multiplayer update. However, not all players...

Perfect Ten: The best expansions for specific MMOs

Looking over the past two decades or so, MMORPGs have grown by leaps and bounds with regular releases, events, and (of course) expansion packs....

Blade & Soul’s False Idols update brings new raids, better subscription benefits

Once the servers come back up today, Blade & Soul is going to have a lot to offer its fans thanks to the new...