Larry Everett

Larry Everett


When not sitting at his computer, Larry... just kidding. He is always sitting at his computer. Larry has made a career out of running websites and playing MMORPGs, so posing in front of a monitor is a way of life. If he is not busy updating his web designs, he is digitally painting or typing out that novel he will never finish.

You can follow his Star Wars: The Old Republic writing in his long-running column, The Hyperspace Beacon.

"Listen, you don’t know me, son, so I’m gonna say this once: If I ever kill you, you’ll be awake, you’ll be facing me, and you’ll be armed."

Personal blog: Hyperspace Beacon
Twitter: @shaddoe

The Stream Team: Dungeon diving in Elder Scrolls Blades early access

We all have questions about Elder Scrolls Blades. What is it about? What does it look like? Can you really play an Elder Scrolls...

R64 springs into Shroud of the Avatar with city buffs, player dungeon changes, and killer bunnies

Developers of Shroud of the Avatar are still working hard on the Top-10 priorities they mentioned in the Q1 update schedule. Today, they released...

Vindictus introduces a whole different kind of portal gun on April 30

Hero number 14 is coming to Vindictus in just over a month, and her name is Eira, the Void Witch. To celebrate, Nexon is...

SHAZAM! Justice League Dark has landed in DC Universe Online today

It's time for the anti-heroes to jump to the forefront. Daybreak added Episode 34: Justice League Dark to DC Universe Online. It's no accident...

Hyperspace Beacon: This is the toughest choice in Star Wars Galaxies Legends

I'm Larry, and I'm an altoholic. (Pauses for everyone to say "Hi, Larry.") The toughest part of any game for me is which class...

Reverse Engineering: The super scientific dangers of capturing Pokemon with your phone

I don't mean to alarm anyone, but there is a chance that capturing Pokemon could be the end of civilization as we know it....

Anthem misses the mark again: No armor loot in Elysian Stronghold caches

The number of posts and threads about Anthem's loot issues are too numerous to count without a calculator. Now, we can add a misdirect...

Check out some of the female character creation options planned for Star Citizen’s 3.5 alpha

As you are all aware by now, women play video games, too. And it's about time that Star Citizen had its female models ready...

Hyperspace Beacon: Which Star Wars Galaxies emulator should I try first?

As a longtime Star Wars fan and former Star Wars Galaxies player, I've known there were plenty of emulators out there ripe for playing...

Conan Exiles finally pushes Black Yeti boss and Purge tweaks to PS4

Just when you thought that maybe Funcom forgot that it created Conan Exiles on the PlayStation 4, it dumps everything into one giant patch....

Neverwinter’s Undermountain campaign changes everything about your companions

If you haven't jumped into the preview for Neverwinter: Undermountain, then this dev blog is for you: PWE Lead Systems Designer Salim "Silius" Grant...

Justice League Dark teleports to the DC Universe Online test server

The DC Universe tells tales of gods among men and larger than life superheroes, but what about the arcane? What about those who work...

Tamriel Infinium: Stuff it, naysayers, this is the perfect time for dragons in Elder Scrolls Online

I admit that I was one of the first people on board with the original idea that there would be no dragons in the...

Reports say Ninja earned a cool $1 million to play Apex Legends

How do you get your stock price to jump 16%? Well, if you're EA, you pay Twitch streamer Tyler "Ninja" Blevins to play your...

Elder Scrolls Online launches Wrathstone DLC on console, rejects Oceania megaserver

Console players were finally able to jump into Elder Scrolls Online's new Wrathstone DLC yesterday, and some PlayStation 4 players found they had to...

Dauntless patch introduces us to a new frosty behemoth and revamps hammer combat

If you have been following Dauntless as you should have, then you would know that a new behemoth was on the horizon, but that's...

Sadistic player-designed maze traps Fallout 76 gamers

In a world where there are no NPCs, Fallout 76 players have to get really creative about what to do with their time. One...

Harry Potter: Wizards Unite is basically Pokemon Go with wands and deatheaters

Today, Niantic let loose with a big blast of official details of its upcoming ARG mobile game that takes place both in our world and...

Apex Legends developers ban 355K cheaters as dataminers find new weapons

Rising battle royale star Apex Legends just reduced its playerbase by 355,000 players. First, congratulations are in order for having enough players that banning 355,000 would...

Reverse Engineering: Predicting Fortnite’s earthquakes… with science!

It looks like things are literally shaking up in Fortnite. We are currently tracking a series of changes coming to the game leading up...