Alphas & Betas

MMOs in various stages of testing and crowdfunding, playable and… not. Don’t forget to follow our Betawatch and Make My MMO columns for a weekly rundown. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

World of Warcraft’s Legion expansion launches August 30

Blizzard has just announced that World of Warcraft's Legion expansion is launching August 30th. The standard edition (physical and digital) will run $49.99, while a...

The MOP Up: ARK’s free PvP version goes wide (April 17, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Dogma: Eternal Night strives to get a playable client operational

While the team behind Dogma: Eternal Night isn't quite ready to roll out a schedule of testing dates, it did report that it's making...

Make My MMO: Ascent’s launch, Elite’s Engineers, and Star Citizen’s new concept ship (April 16, 2016)

This week in MMO crowdfunding news, space games have dominated the headlines. Indie Kickstarted sandbox Ascent: The Space Game formally launched out of early...

Elite: Dangerous’ Engineers tweaks starports, map filtering, and POIs

As promised, Frontier has published the first of its Elite: Dangerous Countdown to Beta newsletters, each intended to flesh out its plans for the Engineers...

Camelot Unchained shows off concept art and animation work

Camelot Unchained Producer Tyler Rockwell helms the latest newsletter for the Kickstarted game thanks to a plague that struck the heart of CSE and...

Massively OP’s guide to the Project Gorgon starter island

If you get past its (hopefully improving) looks and to the substance of the long-in-development Project Gorgon, you'll find that this game is a...

Crowfall interview covers the campaign system at length

Wrapping your head around Crowfall's PvP campaigns can take some doing, especially as ArtCraft is angling at a different approach than what most MMOs take. Italian...

Betawatch: A perilous siege hits Crowfall (April 15, 2016)

Players of Crowfall are in quite a lot of peril with the arrival of the Siege Perilous testing phase. Or are they assaulting a...
You only think this is fair because you're winning.

Gloria Victis further balances combat while improving account management

The last patch for Gloria Victis focused on combat balance, and this patch does too. Adjustments for player HP, passive abilities, and weapon damage...

LUX looks for other investors as its Kickstarter comes up short

Things aren't looking good for LUX's Kickstarter campaign. With a little over two days left to go, the multi-platform survival MMO has only raised...

The Black Death devs on permadeath, optimization, and regional accessibility

Ahead of its April 19th early access launch, Green Man Loaded has published a Q&A video for The Black Death. The devs thumb through...
That's a nice throne. Mind if I war over it?

Crowfall shares details on the upcoming Throne War test version

The current test module of Crowfall, Siege Perilous, is all about taking on a keep's defenses and taking control. In theory, anyhow; in practice...
It's not in one piece now.

Fragmented Early Access kicks off on April 26th

The engine woes of The Repopulation have led to its spinoff, Fragmented, and that spinoff has a Steam page now. You can't jump into...

Albion Online starts rework on Morgana’s faction

Expect to hear gamers in the future shout "MORGANA!" in frustrated anger with fists raised to the sky. This will be thanks to Albion...

What to expect from Atlas Reactor’s closed beta launching today

Atlas Reactor, Trion's turn-based, MOBA-esque PvP game, just finished up its final alpha testing this past weekend, and today, the studio officially kicks off its closed beta. Before...

The harsh lesson City of Titans learned from Kickstarter

When fans bankrolled a project to bring a superhero MMO to live to the tune of a little over $678,000, it wasn't without a...

The beta for Elite: Dangerous’ long-awaited Engineers update arrives in May

Frontier has just announced the beta for Elite: Dangerous 2.1, better known as The Engineers, will open for beta access players the week of...

Paragon’s Iggy and Scorch are an explosive mix

Kids, don't drink and drive. Unless, for some bizarre reason, you end up in a MOBA where you've transformed into an alcoholic gremlin-thing and...

EverQuesting: First impressions of Landmark’s new story system

When I shared my first impressions of Landmark's big spring update, I admitted that there was sadness to be had, but I also noted that...