Revival’s tags support ‘elements of role playing that many still believe are impossible in an MMO’
Just in case you thought Revival was all sex and gore, IllFonic's latest dev blog is here to discuss something relatively dry and technical: tags.
Valiance Online moving into alpha development
On September 25th, the Valiance Online developers announced that the game was soon moving into its alpha testing phase with non-combat power use, crafting,...
Guild Wars 2’s first raid boss is downed and the beta weekend gets extended
Bugs are a natural part of any beta experience, so it's not exactly surprising that Guild Wars 2 would experience some bugs during the...
Gloria Victis patches for kicks
The latest pre-alpha build of Gloria Victis went live this past week, and it's all about the most deadly attack of them all: kicking.
Make My MMO: Pantheon’s seed financing (October 3, 2015)
This week in MMO crowdfunding news, fans of Brad McQuaid's Pantheon fantasy MMO got some good news. It seems as if Visionary Realms has...
Albion’s September state-of-the-game covers gameplay and art
Sandbox Interactive posted an Albion state-of-the-game update on its website this week. The info is broken down into art department and gameplay sections, with...
The Stream Team: Exploring ARK’s new snow and swamp biomes
With this week's introduction ARK's two new biomes, the planned boat races are off! At least until MassivelyOP's MJ can remap the route. To...
Camelot Unchained announces early 2016 beta test
Camelot Unchained looks to be moving into beta testing in early 2016.
In a livestream yesterday, City State Entertainment revealed that the beta should kick off before the...
Betawatch: October 2nd, 2015
Bad news for fans of elegant turns on the dance floor and all of the delicious accompanying politics that Ever, Jane promised - the...
The Stream Team: Let there be Landmark keys!
While seven-day trial keys for Landmark's closed beta are great for trying the game, what about folks who want to get in and play...
Tree of Savior preps for larger closed beta
Tree of Savior's English beta is about to get even more intense, with a larger test being readied to launch sometime in October.
The second...
Watch harvesting and crafting on an industrial scale in Divergence Online
Sometimes you don't really need to say a lot more, you know? There is a video here. It's 14 minutes of crafting and gathering...
Camelot Unchained’s newsletter looks at the state of the build and more
Camelot Unchained's 14th newsletter has been sighted in the wild. It says that there will be a beta-focused livestream on Friday, October 2nd, followed...
Chronicles of Elyria dev blog: Character aging in MMORPGs
Announced earlier this year, Chronicles of Elyria is a startup sandbox in a sea of such sandboxes, but some of its features are rare even...
Crowfall sums up its Hunger Dome test, even though it’s not over yet
Crowfall's Hunger Dome 1.0 PvP playtest is nearing its end. As such, ArtCraft has published a recap video reflecting what the firm has learned...
Black Desert’s Russian beta starts October 12
Can you read Russian? Me neither, but I can read Reddit as well as the big date on the top of Black Desert's Russian...
Project Gorgon on the difference between testing and launch balancing
Can we get a quick show of hands indicating who likes logging into a familiar MMO and finding out that every one of his...
Here’s a look at the Ranger in Bless’ beta
The final Korean beta test for Bless is officially over, and Steparu has published his final look at the game. He takes the Ranger...
The Stream Team: Diving into Devilian
Do you want to see what Devilian's alpha is like? You're in luck: MassivelyOP's MJ is heading in to check out this new fantasy...
Ever, Jane holds off on its beta launch
The austere Ever, Jane updated to Release 1.9 over this past weekend while keeping the title in alpha testing for a while longer. "We...