Alphas & Betas

MMOs in various stages of testing and crowdfunding, playable and… not. Don’t forget to follow our Betawatch and Make My MMO columns for a weekly rundown. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Star Citizen

Star Citizen’s Roberts talks upcoming release schedule

How big is 2015 shaping up to be for Star Citizen fans? Pretty freaking big, if Chris Roberts' latest Letter from the Chairman is...
Shroud of the Avatar

Shroud of the Avatar talks economy, online vs. offline modes

This weekend's Shroud of the Avatar post is a big one. Update of the Avatar #113 explains how the game's single-player offline mode will...

Make My MMO: February 21, 2015

Welcome back to Make My MMO, a recurring column from Massively-that-was which covers crowdsourced MMOs of both the fully funded and the not-so-much variety....
Who has time for that?

Star Citizen’s space mining sounds pretty fun

Here's a novel concept: pounding space rocks into space dust could actually be fun! At least it appears that way in reading the latest...

Skyforge preps for NA and EU closed beta

Closed beta testing for Skyforge will be coming soon to North America and Europe, according to a new producer's letter. While Skyforge is already...

Pantheon video update shows visual upgrade, new art assets

Visionary Realms posted a new Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen video update this weekend. Creative director Chris Perkins narrates approximately four-and-a-half minutes of footage...

EverQuest Next severs ties with Storybricks

Daybreak continues to trim its asset portfolio, as the former SOE studio has cut loose artificial intelligence software company Storybricks from the EverQuest Next...

Betawatch: February 20, 2015

What do you get when you combine the the quirkiness of Glitch or Wakfu with the voxelboxiness of Trove? That'd be SkySaga, the UK sandvox that's...

Trials of Ascension attempts another Kickstarter campaign

Permadeath, corpse looting, and no mini-map: Will this be tempting enough to get the community on board with donations? Trials of Ascension hopes so,...
Shroud of the Avatar

Shroud of the Avatar’s Starr Long on gameplay vs. graphics

Shroud of the Avatar executive producer -- and original Ultima Online director -- Starr Long was interviewed by The Escapist this week. Long discusses...

Otherland beta test focuses on server stability

Otherland continues its trek back to public consciousness and notability after being dropped by Real-U and picked back up by Drago. Currently, the multi-world...
Camelot Unchained

Camelot Unchained teases alpha start, ‘major feature’

Yesterday's Camelot Unchained update delivered quite a bit of good news to fans of the fantasy RvR sandbox. City State boss Mark Jacobs revealed...

The Division is on track for a 2015 release

Getting your next Tom Clancy gaming fix shouldn't be too hard this year. Ubisoft announced this past week that The Division will be coming...

Skyforge’s guilds will offer stat bonuses, sub-guilds, and housing

From the sound of Skyforge's first dev diary on pantheons (guilds), it sounds as though joining a group of players will be a near-mandatory...

Revival is launching player housing this month

After October, February seems perfect to tap into the dark, terrible nightmares of gaming. Why? Because you just know some elder god ate those...
Well, hope springs eternal.

Pathfinder Online lays out its territory control design roadmap

While Pathfinder Online has been playable for many of its backers for a few months now, it's still only in an early deployment phase....

The Stomping Land creator apparently abandons project

Friends, it pains me to say this, especially when dinosaurs are involved, but it might be time to give up hope on The Stomping...

H1Z1 eyes battle royale season pass

Would you pay for a season pass to H1Z1's popular battle royale content? And if so, how much would you shell out for it? Daybreak...
Put this in a thing to store it.

OARPG Lost Ark might be destined for the west

Great news for those who had their minds blown with that Steparu Lost Ark video last year: The Diablo-esque action RPG may indeed be...

Warhammer 40K aiming for early access this fall

Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade Senior Producer Nathan Richardsson posted a State of the Crusade letter today, saying that the team is moving forward with...