
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

EA Sports beefs up efforts against toxic chat in-game, PS5 confirms its new reveal event date

The continued effort by gaming companies to clear their chat of hate has another large contributor: EA Sports. In a statement posted to Twitter, the...
Again, again!

The first esports tournament in World of Warcraft: Classic is the new Summer Bowl

Now that there's a second form of World of Warcraft out and playable, don't you want to know who's the best player in WoW...
I'm going to master letting this play instead of me.

The Daily Grind: Do you bother reporting miscreants in MMORPGs?

Retired MOP writer and all around epic human Mike Foster (yo Mike!) recently tweeted about his days working as a GM for World of...

EVE Online pirate pillages $60K worth of items from a shutdown Citadel

Last week we reported on a new kind of thievery happening in EVE Online thanks to a recent update which causes unpowered Citadels to...

There are multiple heroes planned for Heroes of the Storm this year, and there’s snow falling now

It's been a quiet first half of the year in Heroes of the Storm, but players have been promised that there are multiple new...

EverQuest’s Aradune progression server reportedly begins to stabilize

Last week we chronicled the issues of the Aradune progression server, which faced some massive queue problems at launch. About a week's worth of...

Star Wars Galaxies fans debate Legends, PvP, the economy, and more on community podcast

When fellow Star Wars Galaxies Legends player, YouTuber, and friend of MOP Napyet asked me to join him for a podcast last week, I...
No screenshots yet, obviously.

Raph Koster will give more insight on Playable Worlds’ in-development MMO next year

We've been wondering just what Playable Worlds, the dev studio headed by Raph Koster, has cooking for the MMORPG world. During a an "MMO...
Toss me a cure, will you?

Wisdom of Nym: The ‘problem jobs’ of Final Fantasy XIV’s Shadowbringers

When Final Fantasy XIV launched Shadowbringers, every job had issues, but most of them were fairly minor. That was not universally the case, to...

SMITE suspends 5,000 accounts due to racist chat

The chat box of an MMO was never meant to be a safe haven for racists, but with the protests across the US calling...

EA Play Live and Steam’s Summer Game Festival are being delayed

We are at that weird point in our insane timeline where Electronic Arts ends up looking like the good guy and Valve doesn't. EA announced...
Let's dig our way out!

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG sees the most multiboxing as of 2020?

A couple of months ago, I read a post on the Nomadic Gamers, Eh! blog where Stargrace begins her post talking about multboxing in...
Scratching an itch.

Global Chat: Phantasy Star Online 2 tips and tricks

As you... may have heard, Phantasy Star Online 2's PC launch was all sorts of horrible, especially from an installation perspective. Belghast over at...

One Shots: Do you have a few moments to talk about Jediism?

Here's a player housing pro-tip that is useful when striking up a settlement in a risky location: Make a door. A big door. A...
Sometimes the game hates you trying to understand it.

The Daily Grind: What’s the most irritating bit of MMO randomness you’ve dealt with?

I've frequently said that Final Fantasy XI influenced a lot of my later feelings on MMOs, and this is also true of the crafting. For...

Elder Scrolls Online moves Greymoor’s console release out of the way of George Floyd’s funeral

The widespread outrage and protests against police brutality over the past week and a half have trickled their way down into many facets of...

WRUP: Like a wombat edition

Work getting you down? Why not handle it... like a wombat? Relationship not going super great? Have you considered fixing it... like a wombat?...

The Daily Grind: Which lowbie MMO alt have you enjoyed playing the most?

Looking back over all of the characters that I've made in MMOs, I've probably spent half my time on low-level alts that never went...

Betawatch: Magic Legends gears up for summer testing

There's something in the air that makes it feel as if Magic: Legends is getting ready for its first public testing phase. I don't know...
I hate this.

Valorant is being prototyped for console releases as well

At long last, Valorant is officially released so you can play the game. But that's not enough; everyone knows that the real release is when you...