
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

But in world form.

World of Zenonia announced as a new mobile MMORPG

If you aren't familiar with the Zenonia franchise, we understand. Not everyone has time to keep track of every mobile RPG, after all, but...
I am not Iron Man.

PlanetSide 2 deploys Desolation tweaks and upgrades its east coast servers

Remember those previewed changes for PlanetSide 2 from its weekend test server? That was just a couple of days ago, but they were planned...
Now we remembered!

Blade & Soul launches the Forgotten Souls update today

Gosh, don't you hate when you're going from the Earth Realm to the Spirit Realm and you forget all your souls? Has that never...
She stab.

Ascent: Infinite Realm hints at major shake-ups coming to its combat mechanics

Those of us who were fascinated by Ascent: Infinite Realm's initial reveal and promise of steampunk MMORPG bliss have long since accepted that the...
Goodbye dignity.

Phantasy Star Online 2 alters the rewards of its Xbox Game Pass Ultimate perks

If you'd somehow managed to miss this fact, Phantasy Star Online 2 is currently live in North America as an Xbox One exclusive. That...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO rogue server do you recommend trying?

It is truly heartening to see so many sunsetted MMORPGs being revived thanks to the tireless efforts of rogue server operators. Preservation of these...

SEED elaborates on how and when it will moderate its community

If you're in a sandbox MMO where people are generally meant to work together and your community draws in a pretty varied number of...
Walk it back, walk it back, walk it back.

Blade & Soul Revolution kicks off pre-registration for its English version

Yes, if you want to get Blade & Soul in a more mobile spin-off form, you can start pre-registration for the English version of...
Years and years.

Star Trek Online makes its lower-tier ships all available for purchase with dilithium

With the advent of scaling ships in Star Trek Online, the first four ship tiers in the game have become far less relevant. Sure,...

The Star Wars Galaxies rogue server community is collaborating on a multi-emu support project

Feeling a little disconnected from the world right now? You're not alone, and multiple MMO communities are coming together to try to fix that....

Choose My Adventure: In which Albion Online decides to beat me up

OK, Albion Online. I get it. You're a tough guy. You see a soft, doughy person like me and decide to lull me into...

MMO blogging community fights quarantine boredom with ‘Blapril 2020’ project

With so many MMO gamers and bloggers stuck at home this month, any distraction from real-world doldrums is both welcome and needed. To address...
Fan favoritism

Star Trek Online discusses the making of its big anniversary episode, Measure of Morality

The big anniversary event of Star Trek Online was a real crowd-pleaser, with Abraham Lincoln helping you revisit iconic missions from the game and...

The Daily Grind: What once-popular MMORPG terminology has fallen out of use?

Let's play with words. A while back I saw someone describing the act of MMO banksitting on Twitter without actually using the term. It's one...

Felicia Day releases an unifinished World of Warcraft machinima sitcom

Say you're stuck in self-imposed or locally mandated quarantine in the wake of the novel coronavirus and you've blitzed through all of your TV...
Shooty bang-bang.

PlanetSide 2 plans for Desolation changes hitting the live servers this week

There was a playtest for PlanetSide 2 changes this past weekend, which ran a special Outfit Wars schedule on the test server to try...

COVID-19 roundup: GameStop, unions call foul, Square-Enix, race cars, Blizzard, Skyforge, and Ultima Online housing

Welcome back to another quick roundup of news bits all about how COVID-19 has impacted even our MMO corner of the gaming world. Also...

Wisdom of Nym: Expected expansion features still unseen in Final Fantasy XIV

We're still not into the period of time in which we'll learn about patch 5.3 for Final Fantasy XIV. Indeed, there's a lot of life left...
Sometimes it's a bit less clear.

City of Heroes rogue server creates a folding@home team for players to combat coronavirus

"Go. Fold. Kill Coronavirus," mandates the call to action from the City of Heroes: Homecoming team. The devs of the rogue server have created...

Final Fantasy XIV brings Hatching-Tide around with a new sort of bunny suit

It's almost time for the latest iteration of Hatching-Tide to hop back into Final Fantasy XIV, and this year you can indulge in any...