
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]


Tera M is not friendly to free players in its Korean version

Eager to have all of the gameplay of TERA in the palm of your hand with TERA M? You might want to be a...
Well, there are woods. There might be an elf or two in there.

Dungeons & Dragons Online launches the Mists of Ravenloft

There's a chill in the air through December under normal circumstances, but the chill rushing through Dungeons & Dragons Online is unrelated to the...

The Daily Grind: What feature from another game would you import into your favorite MMO?

One of the everlasting points of contention between me and the MMO industry is that no game gets everything right. Gah! Can't you mold...

Star Wars: The Old Republic is holding a Thursday livestream with author Timothy Zahn

Timothy Zahn is kind of a big deal for Star Wars fiction. Yes, he helped develop the most recent bit of Star Wars: The...

EA patches Star Wars Battlefront 2 as petition asking Lucasfilm to drop EA reaches 120K sigs

How hard is EA trying to salvage its rep hit from the Star Wars Battlefront 2 drama? It's hard to judge right now. This...

Wintersday returns to Guild Wars 2 next week

Break out your snowflakes, your sparkling daggers, and your dancing snowmen, as Wintersday returns to Guild Wars 2 next week - Tuesday, December 12th,...
A win, sort of.

Fortnite settles one of its anti-cheater lawsuits out of court

If you'd forgotten, Fortnite wound up bringing a lawsuit against two people for cheating software being used in the game. One such suit hit...

EVE Online’s Arms Race update offers more ships to free players today

Before you get too excited, let's note that today's update for EVE Online is not simply handing out ships like space travel-shaped candy. Free...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO needs a better music system – or any music system?

If you ask any Star Wars Galaxies veteran about the game's most amazing features, I guarantee that the music and dance system will make...
Never forget.

Project Gorgon releases an experimental launcher for Linux

There has never been an idea so offbeat and weird that the Project Gorgon team will not give it a shot. That does not...

RuneScape and Final Fantasy studios sponsor new charity initiatives

Two MMO companies are working on new charity efforts to help those in need. Jagex says that it's testing a new cash-shop setup that allows...
For you it's all in a day.

Final Fantasy XI prepares its last anniversary year update for December

At this point, we would like to point out to our readers that Final Fantasy XI is in maintenance mode and has been for...
In the grim darkness of whatever, blah blah explosions.

Eternal Crusade considers battle royale mode, can’t comment on status of lead designer

Even Warhammer 40K Eternal Crusade might be jumping on the battle royale bandwagon. That's according to Behaviour Interactive's latest pair of player-directed Q&A posts. "We...

Guild Wars 2 announces weapon contest winners, adds new in-game book interface

Remember that design-a-weapon contest that Guild Wars 2 was running last month? Well, it is all over now, and ArenaNet tallied up all of...
Somewhere, across the sea, somewhere.

Wisdom of Nym: Speculating on the next few years of Final Fantasy XIV expansions

My friends, I can see the future for Final Fantasy XIV. And by "see" I mean that I can guess at it with reasonable...
Not happening.

Saga of Lucimia explains its notice board approach to finding a group

The latest entry on the development of Saga of Lucimia is all about group finding tools, and quelle surprise, the developers don't like them....

Dauntless offers a video preview of its next major patch

The next big update for Dauntless is going live this month, and there's a lot of stuff in it. A new weapon, two new...

Guild Chat: The best way to deal with MMO burnout

Welcome along to another advice-filled edition of Guild Chat, the column through which the Massively OP commenters can help solve the guild drama of...

Pokemon Go’s EX Raid invite system still baffles core players

Niantic's recent Pokemon Go event succeeded where the Pokemon Company failed, with POGO players catching over 3 billion Pokemon well before the end of the event....

One Shots: Elves have a weeding problem

You may hold Elves in high esteem, but the truth is that they are bonafide slackers. They live forever and can't even be bothered...