
Get caught up on convention happenings and major events in your favorite MMO. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Well... whoops.

FFXIV Fan Festival Tokyo 2019: Travel to the First with Hrothgar and Dancers

The third and final Final Fantasy XIV fan festival for Shadowbringers kicked off on Friday evening in by North American time schedules. We even...

EVEsterdam 2019: EVE Online explorer visits every star system without being killed

When people say that EVE Online is a game that lets you make your own path, they aren't kidding. While CCP Games builds gameplay...
Are you a door or not?!

FFXIV Fan Festival Tokyo 2019: Liveblog of the opening keynote

Here we are at long last. If you're anything like me, you've been looking forward to this event since Final Fantasy XIV first delivered...

Guild Wars 2’s Super Adventure Box event returns next week

It's finally happening! Guild Wars 2's Super Adventure Box mode will return next week on March 28th through April 18th, bringing 8bit jumping puzzles...

Project SU is an Epic Games-backed mobile sandbox MMO coming in 2019

File this one under weird new games: Project SU. In the press release from GDC today, the game is never directly called an MMORPG,...

The Stream Team: Flower picking and other Lord of the Rings Online Spring Festival fun

What is more spring-like than enjoying newly bloomed flowers? In LOTRO, it's picking them -- picking them all! The Spring Festival is back, and...
This is wholly appropriate

PlanetSide 2 celebrates 20 years of EverQuest with a new objective line

Just because the big milestone anniversary this year is for EverQuest and not PlanetSide 2 doesn't mean that the latter title needs to be left out...

RIFT’s eighth birthday celebrations are live today with Carnival of the Ascended

RIFT players are having a bit of a wild ride the last few weeks. First, Gamigo announced it was nuking the game's progression server,...

GDC 2019: Here’s how CCP’s 10,000 player battle tech demo went down

Developer CCP Games currently holds the world record for the largest PvP battle in gaming history, which was awarded in recognition of January 2018’s...

LOTRO and DDO hand out downtime compensation packages as spring festival begins

Freebies! Who wants freebies? Get them while they're hot! Get them while your inventory still has space! Oh, hello, I see you heard my call....

Sea of Thieves turns one, patches in birthday gifts, merc voyages, and Arches tease

Sea of Thieves is turning one year old today and getting an anniversary patch. Today's patch is not the anniversary patch, however. That's coming...
Wow, that's almost like a real smile.

Black Desert Online changes node war mechanics and encourages collecting cherry blossoms

The spring has arrived in Black Desert Online, and that means it's time for the traditional celebration of spring in the form of fighting over...
Defying logic...

Defiance 2050 celebrates Armistice Day once again

Ah, Armistice Day, the special date in the lore of Defiance 2050 when humans and aliens stopped shooting at one another. To celebrate this, the...
Worth something!

There’s pie! Elder Scrolls Online’s Jester Festival begins this week

I hope you're ready for this folks: In just two weeks, we're going to be deluged with April Fools' Day jokes all across the...

Google is launching Stadia, a ‘game platform for everyone’ in a ‘new era of gaming,’ this year

In its presentation from GDC 2019 this afternoon, Google announced Google Stadia: It's not a console but a platform that will run even the...

MMO Business Roundup: Bethsoft E3, Unity+Tencent, Stray Bombay, Wargaming MMOs, and Google at GDC

Welcome back to another roundup of MMO business tidbits! Remember last year's phenomenal Bethsoft presentation at E3? The one with not just Elder Scrolls Online...

The MOP Up: Aion’s cherry blossoms signal the arrival of spring

The Cherry Blossom Festival is in full bloom over at Aion Europe, with this spring festival offering a hero trial, a "topsy-turvy" laboratory, a...

The Stream Team: Happy 20th birthday EverQuest!

With such a monumental birthday to celebrate, Massively OP's MJ is back in EverQuest and hopping around on her Froglok! She may not be...

EverQuesting: EverQuest turns the big 2-0

Today is a pretty big day in Norrath: EverQuest turns the big 2-0! Impressive. Twenty years is quite an accomplishment. Even more impressive than...

Champions Online brings in hip new armor for the Circus Malvanum race

It's hip to wear armor in Champions Online. Wait, no, that's not quite what we're supposed to say, sorry; it's that there's a new...