
Hands-on, first impressions, and preview coverage. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Working As Intended: A tour of 19-year-old Ultima Online

Wanna feel old? Three years ago, I wrote a Second Wind piece for Massively-that-was on Ultima Online, which had recently been turned over to Broadsword...
Challenge: Get queued up.

Launch impressions of Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade, part two

On Monday, I delivered to you the first part of my impressions of the newly launched Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade, laying out both the basics...

Atlas Reactor launch impressions: Who should step into this eclectic PvP arena?

As Massively OP's SWTOR and Elder Scrolls Online columnist and an unapologetic MMORPG fan, I'm not usually the first person people turn to when looking...

Launch impressions of Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade, part one

In the grim darkness of the future, there is only war. That may be unfortunate for the inhabitants of the planet Arkhona and the...

Tamriel Infinium: Cracking Craglorn’s overhaul with Elder Scrolls Online’s Rich Lambert

First and foremost: One Tamriel puts all players on an even playing field in Elder Scrolls Online PvE. Players can go where they want when...

Tamriel Infinium: Why I’m sold on Elder Scrolls Online’s One Tamriel

It hasn't taken me long to fall in love with One Tamriel. This Elder Scrolls Online team has a distinct understanding of what makes this...

Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR’s bonus chapter wins because of story

As threatened, the Shroud is back and like you’ve never seen him before. Seriously, you’ve never seen the Shroud like this. Star Wars: The...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 81: For Azeroth!

Justin and Eliot compare notes about their first week in World of Warcraft: Legion.

Global Chat Extra: MMO bloggers’ first impressions of Legion

You'd better believe that MMO bloggers are out in full force this week to check out World of Warcraft: Legion. For some, it's the...
He really isn't I know, but work with me here.

First impressions of World of Warcraft: Legion, part three

One of the things that bothered me about Warlords of Draenor was how bad it felt to play. It was unexpected. I don't inherently...
Also, it's crazy random.

First impressions of World of Warcraft: Legion, part two

When last we left off, the world was screwed. World of Warcraft: Legion doesn't tell you that you're facing a huge threat, it just...
Just whenever you get around to us, it's cool.

First impressions of World of Warcraft: Legion, part one

It was around the time that I was burning my way through drakes that I found myself nodding in appreciation. This was it, I...
And now you're

Exploring Japan’s Pokemon Go culture

As some readers may know, I've spent the last few years in Japan trying to tackle the local gaming scene, online and off. While...
THE POWER (you've got it)

Path of Exile’s Atlas of Worlds expansion launches September 2

It's nearly that time again -- time for the next Path of Exile expansion! Few games can boast an expansion schedule that runs like...

Chaos Theory: The 80s invade The Secret World

One of the best things about The Secret World is how it is set in the modern day. But that doesn't mean the game...

The Stream Team: SWTOR Dark vs. Light vs. Knights of the Fallen Empire

Let's talk about Knights of the Fallen Empire. The latest chapter for the Star Wars: The Old Republic expansion currently remains in early access and...

Hyperspace Beacon: Why Star Wars The Old Republic’s KOTFE finale was satisfying and disappointing

The new era of Star Wars: The Old Republic passed a milestone late yesterday when it launched the final chapter in the Knights of the...

The Stream Team: A visit to the Elder Scrolls Online Style Parlor

Judging by last week's stream, you might think that the Shadows of the Hist DLC is all about adding more dungeons to Elder Scrolls Online....

First impressions of World of Warcraft: Legion’s Demon Hunter

Nearly 10 years ago, the opening cinematic for World of Warcraft’s second expansion The Burning Crusade heralded the return of misguided anti-hero turned madman...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Guild Wars 2’s new Living Story has launched

Wowee, is it ever a massive day in the life of my favourite MMO! If you log in right now, you'll notice three greatly...