
Hands-on, first impressions, and preview coverage. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Tamriel Infinium: Elder Scrolls Online’s Dark Brotherhood DLC is sublime, brother

Well, folks, this is it. This is the way that The Elder Scrolls Online should have launched. As MOP's own Bree Royce says on...

Hyperspace Beacon: Going to war with SWTOR’s new Mandalore

Do I have to turn in my Star Wars fanboy card if I admit that I don’t like Mandalorians? It's not that I think...

Preview: A look inside of ArcheAge’s Ascension launching today

Change is inevitable. And while it can be unnerving, it can also be very beneficial. ArcheAge's fans will see their share of changes today...
Perhaps the bank should be re-evaluated.

Launch impressions: Overwatch is good, but it’s only half a game

The thing that bugs me about Overwatch is that it feels like half of a game. Unfortunately, it's also the less interesting half, the...
Well, this isn't ideal.

The Daily Grind: How long do you test an MMORPG before judging it?

I know I need to put more time into Tree of Savior. When it launched, I logged in and was bombarded by a horrific control...
Come fly with me.

Preview: In the saddle of Riders of Icarus’ mount system

Feel like flying? How about flying while you fight? In Riders of Icarus, you'll be able to do both. One of the main tenants...

AdventureQuest 3D is the cross-platform MMORPG that might hook you

If you're anything like me, you've hopefully realized that there can be just as much anticipation in your life over small, interesting games as with...

First impressions: Overwatch offers nothing new (yet), but I’m buying it anyway

I'm going to be blunt: I don't feel like a Blizzard fan. I know that may sound odd from the guy who plays Hearthstone more than any other writer on...

First impressions of TERA’s Secrets & Shadows update and flying mounts

It's no secret: TERA's Secrets & Shadows update arrives this month! And many players are eagerly anticipating diving in to experience these changes for...

Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR’s heist-themed ‘Profit and Plunder’ chapter stole the show, literally

I believe there is only one word to describe Chapter 13 for Knights of the Fallen Empire: cute. For the six chapters prior to...

EVE Fanfest 2016: EVE Mobile coming to Android and iOS

Remember back in 2013 when Jon Lander announced plans for an EVE Online mobile tie-in with the immortal words, "This time next year, you'll have EVE Mobile in...

The Stream Team: Experiencing The Black Death

With a title like The Black Death, you just know the game is going to be about survival. The real question is, can MassivelyOP's MJ...

Trove: Mantle of Power is a gem of an expansion

As you read this, the head start for Trove's first expansion, Mantle of Power, has opened its doors to players who purchased one of...

Massively OP’s guide to the Project Gorgon starter island

If you get past its (hopefully improving) looks and to the substance of the long-in-development Project Gorgon, you'll find that this game is a...

EverQuesting: First impressions of Landmark’s new story system

When I shared my first impressions of Landmark's big spring update, I admitted that there was sadness to be had, but I also noted that...

Hyperspace Beacon: Three things SWTOR’s Eternal Championship needs

Hello BioWare, It’s me again, your average Star Wars: The Old Republic fan. You remember when I complained about Chapter 10 of Knights of the...

The Stream Team: Surviving a sneak peek into The Skies

What do Mondays and The Skies have in common? They both involve survival! The upcoming post-apocalyptic survival MMORPG is letting MassivelyOP's MJ in for...

Chaos Theory: Tomb-raiding The Secret World’s Issue #14 with Funcom

Remember that Indiana Jones-inspired outfit from The Secret World's Issue #6? Today is a great day to dust it off and slip it on because...

Desert Nomad: Quality of life in the Black Desert

Hello friends, and welcome back to Desert Nomad. After last week’s in-depth look at Black Desert’s cash shop, I decided that this week I would...

Hyperspace Beacon: Should you resub for SWTOR: Disavowed?

Hello, friends. I hope you don’t mind my calling you that. I do respect my readers. Thankfully, most of you are rational and thoughtful....