MMORPGs are massively multiplayer online roleplaying games, our core focus here on Massively OP. MMORPGs are traditionally differentiated from mere multiplayer games by their persistent worlds, massive playerbases and/or servers, customizable character development, and always-online status. [Follow the MMORPG category’s RSS feed]

Marvel Heroes’ emulator project has a playable test server in Project T.A.H.I.T.I.

When last we checked in on the Marvel Heroes emulator project, the developers were basically still in the "make code go and upload to...

Ultima Online is launching a new server as it brings New Legacy to its thriving Japanese playerbase

Ultima Online is actually about to launch a new server - specifically, a New Legacy server for the Japanese region. The 27-year-old MMORPG has a...

Star Citizen studio shutters its LA offices as players argue CIG’s whaling is anti-consumer

Star Citizen studio Cloud Imperium has announced in its Chairman's Club newsletter that it has formally shuttered its Los Angeles studio following last year's...

Stars Reach adds procedural creature variance, combat updates, and new mining tweaks in latest build

Stars Reach has put forth another update to its pre-alpha, and this one has some pretty impactful additions that players will want to know...

The Daily Grind: What’s the best way to handle MMO economy errors?

Back in February, Amazon raised all the eyebrows when it clawed back a range of drops from innocent Lost Ark players. According to the...

MMO Week in Review: Dollars for Dune (Awakening)

Dune Awakening confirmed its monetization system this week, revealing a $50 box price and a paid headstart that has apparently started a brand-new fuss...

Post-apoc MMOFPS Pioner provides roughly two minutes’ worth of gameplay in latest trailer

If you've got two minutes and harbored curiosity for Pioner, the post-apocalyptic MMOFPS from Belgrade-based GFA Games that we first highlighted last December, then...

The MOP Up: World of Peaky Tanks

When you think "World of Tanks," naturally you free-associate the TV series Peaky Binders along with it. And a good thing too, because Wargaming...
We are running out of roads.

LOTRO Legendarium: The virtuous world of Middle-earth

There are plenty of fantasy brands out there to suit any preference. If you arranged them on a spectrum, you might start at cozy...

One Shots: Light pollution over Bree

Are you under the assumption that light pollution is the sole product of the modern era? You've obviously never visited Lord of the Rings...

The Daily Grind: Which of your favorite MMO’s patches had the least aesthetic appeal?

So it is not exactly a secret that I like Warframe a lot, and thus you are probably aware that I am entirely on-board...

Whatever happened to Bless Unleashed’s PC version?

"Hey, yeah, I remember Bless Unleashed! Wasn't that a bit of a mess," we hear you presumably say. And yes, it kind of was:...

Guild Wars 2 previews April 15’s balance patch and its focus on PvE and WvW tweaks

Get your favorite clutchin' pearls ready and prepare your fingers for knee-jerk reaction posts because Guild Wars 2 has once again provided preview patch...

Dune Awakening confirms $50 box price with DLC and a direct launch with no early access

Before you know it, the May 20th launch date for survival MMO Dune: Awakening will be upon us all, but perhaps you were wondering...

The Daily Grind: Are you an MMO spring festival fanatic?

As I type this, the weather abruptly shifted from shivery winter to the warmth of spring in the span of a week, with flowers...

The Stream Team: Looting Lord Malrick in AdventureQuest 3D

There's a new seasonal boss skulking about in AdventureQuest 3D, and Massively OP's MJ wants to go have a look. Or, more precisely, a...
Boat fight!

Betawatch: Crosswind is sailing toward testing

Those of you who dearly want to be able to play an online game in which you go a-sailin' on the deep blue sea...
My face feels great.

Eterspire adds the lava-filled Arid Ridge with its most recent patch

So let's talk for a moment about convection. It's the way in which heat moves from warm things to cool things. If you put...

Lost Ark takes a closer look at the design process behind the Wildsoul class

Last month brought another new class to Lost Ark in the form of the Wildsoul, the shapeshifting magical character that already had a deep-dive...

Star Citizen highlights the upcoming Argo ATLS GEO mining mech

Sure, you could mine some planetary space rocks in Star Citizen the boring way with a handheld mining tool, but wouldn't you prefer to...