
Just the facts, as they happen. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Accidental burn.

Sony is considering purchasing the Chinese firm Leyou

You probably don't think a whole lot about Leyou at this point, but you probably should; the holding company owns most of Digital Extremes...
I'm going to master letting this play instead of me.

WoW Classic sees another 40,000 accounts banned for botting and RMT as cases surge

The war against the hungry bot horde continues in WoW Classic. Shortly after Blizzard gave 74,000 accounts the boot, the devs have once again...

Crucible explains its playtest and tournament plans moving through beta

It wasn't so long ago that Crucible opted to take itself out of launch and move back into beta. (It was a couple of...

Conan Exiles isn’t going to be free for a week on the Epic Games Store after all

If you follow Conan Exiles' twitter, you might have noticed that a bunch of gamers have been pestering Funcom this morning over the fact...

New UK parliament report recommends regulation of lockboxes as gambling

Remember last month when UK lawmakers started making fresh noise about classifying lockboxes/lootboxes as gambling to protect children following multiple reports and surveys on...

Camelot Unchained’s new 90-day plan includes weekend servers

Camelot Unchained has a new 90-day plan, and it could transform the way you experience your weekends. The next three-month goal for the current...

Magic Legends reveals the secrets of its jungle illusion

One of the places that Magic Legends will adventure through is Tazeem, a dense and beautiful jungle. But as Cryptic Studios explained, it's somewhat...

A new crafting and work order feature has come to horse MMO Star Stable

There's no way I'm letting a chance to talk about online horsies pass me by, especially when crafting's involved. Yep, kid-friendly equestrian-themed MMO Star...

Weapons of Mythology – New Age announces its sunset for July

With so many MMORPGs out there, there's bound to be one or two titles that fly below the radar. So it would possibly seem...

Life sim MMO Identity is ‘still being worked on’ according to forum moderators

So let's talk about Identity, shall we? This life sim MMO has been silent for the better part of a year now, resurfacing only...

Final Fantasy XI plans for its July version update with more Odyssey content

The Final Fantasy XI team has gotten its groove back, although in this case "groove" mostly means "development cadence." Yes, the team is back...

Voxelbox Staxel discusses work on its console port and confirms a new area coming to PC

Let's take a peek in to the adorable retro voxelbox Staxel, shall we? When we last reported on this one, it successfully stepped out...

Albion Online invites players to earn a ghost pig through the Undead Challenge

You might not think of July as a particularly spooky month, but Albion Online is still choosing this month to bring back the Undead...
Cool drinks.

Black Desert brings class balance changes, new events, and new gear for seasonal servers

Ready for things to change for your favorite Black Desert class? No? Well too bad, because today's update applies those changes. Also this was...

Path of Exile’s next patch will bring improvements to harvesting and harvest crafting

How do you feel about harvesting (aka the linchpin feature of the Harvest League) in Path of Exile? Perhaps your opinion will change once...
In a world of human wreckage.

This week in why we can’t have nice things: Method, EA, and Ubisoft

The fallout from June's games industry abuse and assault call-outs continues. Let's start with Method, the guild that's been driving World of Warcraft's competitive scene...

Console players of TERA can now face the New Awakening update

The time has finally arrived for PS4 and Xbox One players of TERA to wake up to a brand-new day. A day full of...

Torchlight III’s new mainline patch adds Act 3, contracts, new Lifebound mechanics, and Relic updates

How do you know when a game's patch is a hefty one? When it takes two different pages to cover everything that's in it....
Leg ends

Magic Legends’ business model: lockboxes, classes, and seasonal passes

Everyone knows that Cryptic's business models for its MMOs have been both loved and loathed by many, so we should expect that same community...
It's wrecked.

Final Fantasy XIV announces patch 5.3 will launch on August 11

Final Fantasy XIV fans eagerly awaiting the game's next patch (which means more or less everyone playing the game) will be waiting a while....