
Opinion pieces are by definition neither neutral nor subjective. Massively Overpowered’s writers’ editorials reflect their own opinions, not necessarily the opinions of the site or company. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Hyperspace Beacon: What you need to know about SWTOR’s Outfit Designer

Update 3.2 for Star Wars: The Old Republic is, in a lot of ways, my update. From the beginning of the game, I wanted to visit...

The Daily Grind: Is there an MMO mob type that totally icks you out?

For some people, it's spiders. For others, it's bats or snakes. (For Justin, it's elves.) And for me, it's roaches. I've been incredibly lucky, honestly, that...

Sword and Bored: Newbie zone

Mo loads into the game, unwittingly joining his first open PvP server and meeting new "friends."
Finding even a halfway decent screenshot of this game is a mathematical impossibility, I swear.

Wisdom of Nym: Exit Final Fantasy XI

It's all over for Final Fantasy XI. Or it will be, anyhow. It was hard to imagine that the big Final Fantasy XI conference was...
If you're not following @TruceSMV, you're missing context for this! Also you're making me sad because I have things there and I want you to love me.

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite game to decompress with?

Moving is absolutely awful, as we all know, and I would be very happy to never move ever again. Once my computer was all...

EVE Evolved: CCP’s Andie Nordgren on new structures and sovereignty

I've been pretty critical of EVE Online's upcoming sovereignty and nullsec revamp, calling the constellation-wide battle fake and its use of reinforcement timers unnecessary....
Cabal II

The Daily Grind: Did you play Cabal Online?

I've got a question. It's not a burning question, mind you, but it's one I've been meaning to ask for a few days now....

LOTRO Legendarium: Ranking my favorite foes

It goes without saying that after eight years of continual development and expansion, Lord of the Rings Online's Middle-earth holds quite the assortment of...

The Daily Grind: How important are different body types in MMO character creation?

I know it's a pain for the art team to have to figure out how to get gear and weapons to fit different shapes,...
You may be my old favorite, but you don't get a free pass.

WoW Factor: The design slide from start to present

After more than a decade of operation, a curious thing has happened to World of Warcraft: It's circled back around on an awful lot...

The Daily Grind: Does story matter in MMORPGs?

We're breaking out the Daily Grind questions offered up by some of our Kickstarter donors today with one by Kharl, who wanted to talk...

Massively Overthinking: Making MMOs ‘sticky’ without vertical progression

Today's Massively Overthinking question comes to us from Kickstarter backer Jersey C, who asks, If you were asked to design an MMORPG without vertical progression...

EverQuesting: Celebrating EQ’s 16th year

Happy birthday, sweet sixteen! That's the song going through the air this week as EverQuest celebrates its latest claim to fame: membership in an...

Perfect Ten: Combat-free MMOs

If there's one thing that always, always goes with MMOs, it's combat. I mean, we can't be a hero without killing something, right? We...
Redguard girl

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite Elder Scrolls Online race?

I'm looking forward to some Elder Scrolls Online this month, but I may not use my max-level character. His guild is gone, and frankly...

Choose My Adventure: Path of Marvel

In last week's Choose My Adventure, we learned a few magic spells and set off to conquer a tiny portion of Diablo III's hellish...

Leaderboard: Are you playing Elder Scrolls Online this week?

Last week I patched up Elder Scrolls Online. Remember? We chatted about how the game's launcher is an expletive that rhymes with kitty. Over...

Working As Intended: Six things I expect from serious MMO PvP

With PvP-encrusted MMORPGs like Camelot Unchained, Crowfall, and even Revival on the genre's horizon, I have a glimmer of hope that the future of MMO...

The Daily Grind: Were you playing MMOs 16 years ago?

This week, EverQuest is celebrating its 16th anniversary. That's right: It was all the way back on March 16th, 1999, that the seminal title...

Jukebox Heroes: EverQuest Online Adventures

From birth until its ignoble death, EverQuest Online Adventures always lived in the shadow of the EverQuest franchise's wing. As a chunky-looking subscription game on...