
We’re not even going to try to sort out the patches from the updates from the iterations from the campaigns and expansions and expanshalones. If it’s something going into an MMO that’s already out, it lands in this category! [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Neverwinter announces Lost City of Omu for February 27; check out the new trailer!

Perfect World has just announced a new update for Dungeons and Dragons MMO Neverwinter - its first big update of the year and another...
Tell me you DO something.

Tamriel Infinium: Three things MMORPGs could learn from Elder Scrolls Online

Looking at the title, you might think that I believe Elder Scrolls Online is the perfect MMO, and in that case, you'd be incorrect....

Multiplayer Civil War game War of Rights expands server capacity and takes the fight to Nicodemus Hill

Civil War battle simulator War of Rights fired its first shot of 2018 with Update 90. It's a good mid-sized content update that starts off...

ArcheAge says new fresh start servers coming later in 2018

Now that all of ArcheAge's fresh start realms have been converted to legacy servers, the community is burning with the question of when --...

Final Fantasy XIV previews beasts, Feasts, and glamorous feats

The newest set of previews for the next Final Fantasy XIV patch are now available, and they are not about the next sequence of...

Elder Scrolls Online drags you kicking and screaming into its Fang Lair

When you hear a name like "Fang Lair," your first thought is probably similar to that of Indiana Jones: "Snakes. Why'd it have to...

Pokemon Go will end support for pre-iOS 11 Apple devices by March

Mobile users are probably used to the eventual demise of their phones and the nonfunctionality of apps they bought long ago, no matter which...

RuneScape dishes out its 2018 roadmap

Get ready to "juice your sq'irks," whatever that means, because RuneScape is hitting 2018 at a dead run. Looking at the year ahead, Jagex...

Neverwinter launches its Sword of Chult update on consoles

Lousy PC players with their first dibs on all the Neverwinter updates. Who needs a lousy Sword of Chult anyway? Not you, you're happy...

Conan Exiles’ huge combat overhaul is destined for player testers in February

The Funcom team is back in business after the winter holiday, and that means a fresh Conan Exiles newsletter for the community. What's on...

Final Fantasy XI launches the January version update in all its debatable dog glory

Is Carbuncle a dog in Final Fantasy XI? What does it even mean if Carbuncle is a dog? Maybe it's a sort of fox?...

Black Desert kicks off New Year’s event, adds outfit mixing feature

Move over, winter - Black Desert is done with you. But the New Year's festivities are just getting started! As part of today's patch,...
Is this the ugly one or the pretty one, it's hard to tell.

Otherland previews a big upcoming UI redesign

Here's the short rundown on Otherland's UI: It's terrible and the developers know it. Unfortunately, for a long stretch of the game's current management,...
Healing girl.

Overwatch’s Mercy is shown none by Blizzard, plus news on Overwatch League

Mercy just can't catch a break. The Overwatch healer is due for another round of brutal nerfs, the latest in a long, long line of...
Catching up!

Elder Scrolls Online datamining reveals possible expansion prologue

Ready to head to new lands in Tamriel? A dataminer discovered some evidence that seems to confirm the long-running rumor about the location of the...

Blade & Soul improves items with its anniversary update

The anniversary update for Blade & Soul brings with it, well, an anniversary event. But it also brings a number of other system changes...

OrbusVR passes 8,000 total players

Good news for OrbusVR: It might not be doing great numbers for "not a VR game," but it's doing very well for a game...
Domestic rampage!

Closers rings in the new year with the Rampage Cube

Welcome to the new year, Closers fans! Have a Rampage Cube! What's a Rampage Cube? It's a big challenging... cube. Full of rampages. Look,...

Guild Wars 2 overhauls its lockbox mechanics and adds gardening plots

We don't often cover cash shop updates for MMOs, and lockboxes are not our favorite thing, but Guild Wars 2's cash shop and lockbox...
Tough luck, no buy.

EVE Online improves forward operating bases with today’s patch

The pirate factions of EVE Online have always been a threat. We're not talking about player pirates, mind you; we're talking about the NPC...