
We’re not even going to try to sort out the patches from the updates from the iterations from the campaigns and expansions and expanshalones. If it’s something going into an MMO that’s already out, it lands in this category! [Follow this category’s RSS feed]


Warframe’s Echoes of the Sentient update is live today

Warframe players take the role of heavily armed space ninjas just by logging in. As such, it makes sense that the game would have...

World of Warcraft to reveal newest expansion next week

What will World of Warcraft's next expansion be? Forget speculation -- you'll be finding out for real in a little over a week. Blizzard announced...

How to get your free Pirate Deadpool team-up in Marvel Heroes

Not all of the achievements in Marvel Heroes are visible; some achievements are hidden until discovered, although the developers do drop hints to goad...

Dungeons and Dragons Online adds angelic quests and brand-new raid

Dungeons and Dragons Online may have its fair share of demons, but there's an angelic side to the game as well. Case in point:...
Hugs now!

Guild Wars 2 fans datamine Warrior and Engineer elite specs

Why wait for ArenaNet to announce the last few elite specializations for Guild Wars 2 when you can just mine for all that information...

Diablo III explains the benefits offered by Kanai’s Cube

Your Diablo III characters lead lives in which every new artifact is judged on its ability to crush, exsanguinate, and electrocute every enemy within...

Dark Age of Camelot’s Otherworlds campaign moves into Chapter 2

The multi-month Otherworlds campaign in Dark Age of Camelot is pressing forward, with Chapter 2 unlocking today. To play Chapter 2, players are required to...

Guild Wars 2 adds SMS verification, living world season one recap

ArenaNet wants to make sure your Guild Wars 2 account is secure, and apparently just reminding gamers to stop using "PASSWORD123" for every website...

Tamriel Infinium: Imperial City revitalizes Elder Scrolls Online’s PvP

I've always found it odd that one of Bethesda's biggest showings at a convention every year is QuakeCon. Elder Scrolls Online, especially, has always...

Gloria Victis is getting building and skill system updates

The Gloria Victis dev team has been working on "two massive features" in recent weeks, according to a post that appeared on the fantasy...

Skyforge plans major post-launch patch

Skyforge's shaky quasi-launch is starting to settle down, as the team has added more hardware and improvements to increase server stability. Even better, the...
Air elemental horn.

Guild Wars 2’s Tempest overhauls warhorn sounds, too

You might be a fan of playing Elementalist in Guild Wars 2 and not be too excited about the Tempest's choice of weapon. War...
'Problem' is not a synonym for 'thing I personally don't like.'

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward at the one-month mark

Heavensward has been out a bit more than a month now if you count the launch of early access as the "real" launch of...
Make My MMO

Make My MMO: July 25, 2015

This week in MMO crowdfunding news, Project Gorgon returned to Kickstarter. Veteran developer Eric Heimburg clearly believes in his fantasy sandpark, and why not? Gorgon...
Back when everything was just a matter of shooting Hellbugs. What a time to be alive.

Defiance answers player questions about promotional weapons and future updates

You learn a lot when you work on a game for a while. Defiance has had some time to settle into its routine, and...

EverQuesting: First impressions of EQII’s progression server

When it comes to a launch, rough winds are pretty much expected. But surprisingly, EverQuest II's progression server launch on Tuesday was pretty much...
Well, the back is the easiest place to stab a dude.

The Elder Scrolls Online introduces players to the Drake of Blades

The Imperial City in The Elder Scrolls Online is on the dangerous side, and if you didn't already know that the introduction to the...

Perpetuum aims to accelerate its update cadence [Update]

Sci-fi MMO Perpetuum will soon be switching from long development phases to shorter ones, says Avatar Creations in a new dev post to players today....
Definitely not winter here, buddy.

Neverwinter posts the official gameplay trailer for Strongholds

A guild's home is its castle in Neverwinter. Wait, scratch that - it's not its castle yet, but it will totally be its castle...
Always the same.

Diablo III previews the Ruins of Sescheron for patch 2.3

In one respect, Diablo III is fairly littered with powerful treasures. That's the core of its gameplay. You are assaulted by a rain of...