Get in and get moving, I hear the law!

Star Citizen posts weapon design blog, music featurette, and more

Cloud Imperium dropped a whole bunch of Star Citizen news updates this weekend, including a video featurette on composer Pedro Camacho, another week of Arena Commander test drive unlocks for backers, a new letter from the chairman, and a design update focused on the space sim sandbox's weapon mounts. "The ultimate goal for Arena Commander (and ultimately a persistent universe)...

The Secret World begins its epic forum game with a plea for help

A new forum game is afoot over at The Secret World, as one of the in-game characters, the Stationmaster, posted a cry for help with a mysterious MP3 attachment. "This message came through today," he wrote. "Garbled. Can't make much sense of it. There was a number attached: 122635. Put on your best pondering hats. Give us a help. Yes?" Funcom...

Labor changes, Pegasus mount coming to ArcheAge

Friday the 13th may have been a lucky day for ArcheAge fans! During Trion's Friday livestream, Producer Merv "Khrolan" Lee Kwai revealed a move meant to increase the value of patron status: changing the offline labor regeneration rate to match the online rate. Starting about mid-April, paying players will accumulate 10 labor every five minutes whether or not they are...

WRUP: Two hundred twenty-nine

Welcome back to What Are You Playing, the game where we tell you what we're playing this weekend and then tell you the number 229: the number of Kickstarter backer names Justin has to find a way to include in our epic podcast-song-to-end-all-podcast-songs. And then you tell us what you're playing this weekend because that's how these things are...

The Daily Grind: When’s the last time an MMO made you laugh?

There are few things that I love more in gaming than to have a genuine laugh-out-loud moment. Maybe something silly and stupid happens in a game (such as a Guild Wars 2 glitch that made dead sharks float above land), maybe it's clever or weird quest writing, or maybe it's just the game's cheekiness coming through. Kingdom of Loathing got...

Betawatch: March 13, 2015

Albion Online posted an infographic celebrating its winter alpha and dished on its upcoming summer alpha, which will include a major revision of the economy. What else is new in the land of MMO testing? Skyforge began its closed beta test this week. Camelot Unchained dubbed its alpha a "huge success." Dungeon Fighter Online returns triumphant to the west with an open beta that...

Hearthstone celebrates its first birthday

Hats and helms off to Hearthstone, as the Warcraft-themed online card game is one year old this week. The team is encouraging the community to share its memories and bake Blizzard a cake. Wait, we want cake too! Hearthstone has a promising future ahead of it, and its devs are preparing to release its second solo adventure pack, Blackrock Mountain....

Worlds Adrift will let you be a nomad of the skies

Imagine that you're a nomad of the skies, constructing and sailing your airship to nearby floating islands in search of rare crafting materials. Imagine that everything around you reacts to physics, allowing you to traverse and manipulate the game world in believable ways. Throw in a dash of cel-shaded charm, and you'll have the upcoming Worlds Adrift. Worlds Adrift has...

EVE Fanfest will be cold; EVE gets a new artbook

EVE Fanfest 2015 is coming in a little less than a week, and if you can't attend in person, you do have the option to be there via the magic of internet streaming. The team posted the convention stream schedule for your planning purposes. Fanfest's coordinators issued a weather warning for physical attendees because Iceland is cold and not everyone...

Pantheon devs release part two of lengthy audiocast

The Pantheon devs got together for a roundtable podcast on February 28th, and they released the second part of the audio clip yesterday. Creative director Chris Perkins is joined by CEO Brad McQuaid and community manager Ben Walters as they answer various fan-generated questions about Pantheon's design over the course of a half hour. The team talks about everything from...