Perfect Ten: Major MMO expansions and updates to expect in 2018
Now that we're almost 1/12th of the way through 2018, it's probably about time to stop anticipating the year and start experiencing it. We...
Chaos Theory: Secret World Legends 2018 – new year, new game, new goals
What does Secret World Legends have in store for 2018? For the world, or for me? Either answer includes Season 2 of the story!...
The Daily Grind: Which MMO studio told the biggest fib in 2017?
Lies piss me off. I have had MMO developers look me in the eye and lie right to my face. I have had PR...
Perfect Ten: The MMOs with the most uncertain futures in 2018
This is, bar none, the column I hate doing most on a regular basis. None of the games I highlight in here is something...
LOTRO Legendarium: My LOTRO wish list for 2018
Ever since I've been writing this Lord of the Rings Online column -- which spans back to 2010, if you can believe it --...
Leaderboard: What’s the most vulnerable Daybreak MMO in 2018?
It's tradition around here to take stock of Daybreak's MMO offerings every year, thanks to the fact that one of the first big stories...
Flameseeker Chronicles: 2018 Guild Wars 2 predictions
I adore looking back on last year's predictions about what's to come in Guild Wars 2 in the next twelve months: Even when my predictions...
The Daily Grind: Which game made the biggest contribution to killing the MMORPG genre in 2017?
Last year, Massively OP commenter deekay_zero proposed this topic as a joke award, but when we ran it as a Daily Grind, it prompted...
The Daily Grind: What’s the best MMO to roleplay in as of 2018?
Half an eternity ago, my merry band of MMO PvPers and raiders ran headlong into a gang of roleplayers, and it changed my guild...
Leaderboard: What was the best new NSM game in 2017?
A few weeks ago, we posted our pick for best not-so-Massively game of 2017. Warframe narrowly won our award, firmly validated by the reader...
Massively OP’s 2017 awards debrief and annual recap
As we did in 2014, 2015, and 2016, today I'm going to recap our annual awards and other meta articles from the end of 2017....
The Daily Grind: What MMOs are you no longer anticipating in 2018?
I didn't intend to leave Star Citizen off my personal list of most-anticipated MMOs this year, but I think it's the first time in...
Massively Overthinking: Our MMO hopes and wishes for 2018
One of the frustrating bits about our end-of-the-year content rollouts is that sometimes predictions and story roundups can come across as negative. It’s way too easy...
A look back at the MMO industry’s law dramas of 2017
In all our many roundups at the turn of the year, we've never done one on the legal dramas that have affected the MMO...
Choose My Adventure Year in Review: DC Universe Online, Shroud of the Avatar, Guild Wars 2, and Secret World Legends
As our review of the past year of Choose My Adventure rolls onward (a bit longer than originally planned), we enter what I think...
Massively OP’s Weirdest MMORPG Stories of 2017: A big bag of what?
Today we're finishing off our countdown of Massively OP's weirdest MMORPG stories of 2017!
And the weirdest MMORPG story of 2017 on MOP was...
An EVE...
Leaderboard: What’s the best classic MMORPG still running in 2017?
Those of you who've been following Massively OP for a while know that many our writers have a fondness for old MMORPGs - that's...
Hyperspace Beacon: Three things SWTOR could add in 2018 to turn itself around
Star Wars: The Old Republic did not have a banner year in 2017. It was the first year since the launch year that did...
Perfect Ten: The best MMO updates and expansions of 2017
Last year was positively stuffed with updates, expansions, and cool stuff. A lot of years I struggle to remember which major updates happened in...
Working As Intended: The MMOs we lost in 2017
It's true that we lost a lot of MMOs in 2016 -- bigger and more important ones than in 2014 and 2015. 2017, however, has...