2021 in review

MMO Year in Review: Endwalker, Cryptic, and Crowfall (December 2021)

The final month of 2021 didn't let up. We had some great news, such as the launch of ArcheAge under Kakao and the release...

MMO Year in Review: The Marvel MMO, $400M, and Blizzard’s decline (November 2021)

What would you say to another Marvel MMO? Hopefully yes, as Daybreak's parent company let slip in November that it's working on one -...

MMO Year in Review: Elyon, Book of Travels, and Queue World (October 2021)

I always joke that we're not an uptime monitor, but it sure seemed as if we had to be in October as we chronicled...

MMO Year in Review: Old genre, New World (September 2021)

New World stole the fall season: It's the biggest launch the MMORPG has seen in several years, so it only made sense that people...
Are we good now? Do you love us yet?

MMO Year in Review: Bless redux (August 2021)

The Bless franchise had yet another go at the western gaming market this month as Neowiz and Round8 formally launched Bless Unleashed for PC...
Excuse me, what?

MMO Year in Review: The Blizzard lawsuit (July 2021)

July started out so well, you guys. We had two major MMORPG releases right off the bat: Crowfall and Swords of Legends Online, which...

MMO Year in Review: Blackwood, New Genesis, and Burning Crusade (June 2021)

June was a packed month for MMOs as the summer deluge of releases was just getting started. We were treated to the launch of...

MMO Year in Review: Odyssey and a billion betas (May 2021)

May brought on a rush of tests and launches for MMO players. Elite Dangerous finally launched Odyssey, Elyon kicked off its first western beta,...

MMO Year in Review: Amazon’s Lord of the Rings MMO is over (April 2021)

April was a relatively quiet month for launch news - the calm before the storm before the big MMO launches really got underway. Which...

MMO Year in Review: Magic Legends begins (March 2021)

March 2021 was a month of releases, thanks to the arrival of Elder Scrolls Online's Flames of Ambition, Guild Wars 2's Balance chapter, and...

MMO Year in Review: The first and only BlizzConline (February 2021)

It's weird to look back at February 2021 and remember those halcyon days before the great Blizzard collapse of mid-year, but roundabout the time...
Darn it.

MMO Year in Review: At least it wasn’t 2020? (January 2021)

December's many article roundups and awards always remind us that it's hard to remember what happened last month, let alone what happened way back...