A Realm Reborn is the subtitle of Final Fantasy XIV’s 2013 reboot.
a realm reborn
One Shots: The Mo Army marches on
Has there ever been a figure as majestic, as inspiring, as armor-plated as Massively OP mascot Mo? Probably, but that didn't stop our antsy...
Massively Overthinking: The best MMOs of the decade
A few years back, we did a cheeky Massively Overthinking about our five favorite MMORPGs of all time. It was quite a potent list...
One Shots: An epic year
Every one of us deserves to look and feel a bit epic from time to time in MMORPGs, even if it's all in our...
Final Fantasy XIV’s Naoki Yoshida talks about console porting and addressing older parts of the title
If you've ever thought that Final Fantasy XIV's earlier main scenario and quests don't really reflect the game's overall quality, you should know that...
Massively Overthinking: Do you even *like* MMO expansions?
This seems like an absurd question on its face, right? MMO players are supposed to like MMO expansions. They're progress. They're content. They're fresh...
Massively Overthinking: Super wrong snap judgments of MMORPGs
The year was 2004, and the month was May. My guild was growing increasingly frustrated with Star Wars Galaxies' slow development pace, so we...
Jukebox Heroes: The Final Fantasy XIV soundtrack that disappeared
First there was the initial release of Final Fantasy XIV. Everyone generally agreed that this was a bad idea, and so it was sent...
Final Fantasy XIV’s Michael-Christopher Koji Fox talks about working on A Realm Reborn
There are lots of people who know what it's like to work on a game that is not going to be very good. There...
Perfect Ten: Best MMO debuts by year, 2007-2017
Continuing from my previous column that went back to 1997, I'm going to be running through the second decade of graphical MMORPG launches and...
Massively Overthinking: Which MMORPGs should stay away from legacy servers?
Legacy, vanilla, classic, progression - call them what you like, but alternative server rulesets, particularly of the nostalgia-driven kind, are all the rage in...
Global Chat: Learning from Master X Master
We've certainly remarked several times on Massively OP how much like an MMO Master X Master is, even though it firmly checks the "MOBA"...
Perfect Ten: The final minutes of beloved MMORPGs
"This is how the world ends," T S Eliot wrote in his famous poem, "not with a bang, but with a whimper."
That might well...
Perfect Ten: Most notable console MMORPGs to date
It used to be that hunting for a console MMORPG was one of the most fruitless endeavors known to gamers. The PC was where...
The Realm’s creator wants to remake this 20-year-old MMO
MMO veterans might be familiar with The Realm (also known as The Realm Online), which was one of the first class of graphical online...
Massively Overthinking: The MMO with the brightest future
Imagine you have a friend who wants to play an MMO but doesn't want to get involved in a game that's in decline or...
The MOP Up: A look behind A Realm Reborn (December 27, 2015)
The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
The Stream Team: Returning to Final Fantasy XIV
In honor of the anniversary of the original release of FFXIV (before A Realm Reborn), MassivelyOP's MJ is delving back into the beautiful lands...
Why I Play: Final Fantasy XIV
We used to do a column called Why I Play on Massively-that-was, and while I didn't originally plan on rezzing it here today, I did return...
Jukebox Heroes: My top six favorite MMO soundtracks of all time
In ranking MMO soundtracks, there are a lot of ways to do it. You can pull out individual tracks or praise a game for...
The Soapbox: These three MMOs deserve a do-over
Wouldn't it be cool if every MMORPG that failed to reach its potential were granted some sort of do-over? We've seen it happen once, with...