Aeria Games is an online game publisher owned by ProSiebenSat.1 Media and based in Germany. It is known for MMOs like Echo of Soul, Eden Eternal, and Scarlet Blade.
aeria games
Aeria Games to publish Bless Online in the west
It's happening, people, it's really happening. Bless Online is heading to the west, for real, after months of speculation.
Aeria Games has signed on to...
Scarlet Blade will sunset next month
We're genuinely sorry to report that Aeria Games has announced an impending closure for the notoriously suggestive MMORPG Scarlet Blade. Aeria broke the sad news earlier today:
The MOP Up: GTA Online makes every bullet count (December 13, 2015)
The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
The MOP Up: KingsIsle’s new game (November 8th, 2015)
The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
Echo of Soul update brings in the Warlock
The soft-launched Echo of Soul has a new player on the scene today, as Aeria Games introduced its six class, the Warlock.
Warlocks can specialize...
Echo of Soul announces China closure too
Any way you look at it, Echo of Soul is taking a beating lately. Following the announcement earlier this month that the game will be...
Echo of Soul sunsets in Korea next month [Updated]
Hangame announced yesterday that it will sunset MMORPG Echo of Soul in its native Korea.
Hangame thanked players for their loyalty since the game's launch...
Echo of Soul exits beta, launches first raid
Confused over Echo of Soul's nebulous launch status? Fortunately, it's going to be a lot more clear-cut going forward, as the fantasy MMO has...
Echo of Soul is now available on Steam with a free gift
There are always those gamers who like to have all of their titles in a neat and tidy Steam library and will patiently wait...
Echo of Soul heads into open beta today (with no further wipes)
Echo of Soul is in open beta as of today, so if you want to jump in and play right this moment, you can....
Echo of Soul trailer puts the spotlight on PvP
Don't worry, PvP people -- Echo of Soul isn't going to leave you high and dry. The now-in-closed-beta Korean MMO has released a new video...
Win an Echo of Soul closed beta pack from Massively OP [All gone!]
Free-to-play Korean action-MMO Echo of Soul lands in North American closed beta today. If you're eager to play, then you might just get a...
Echo of Soul offers several different flavors of founder’s packs
So Echo of Soul is an upcoming free-to-play title. You probably already knew that it was going to feature founder packs which include instant...
Dream of Mirror Online returns from the dead
After several years of being out of commission, Dream of Mirror Online (DOMO) is coming back for a second shot at success. The closed...