artificial core

Corepunk Q&A discusses the launch window, guilds, mounts, and more

If you're the type of person who respects short, direct, and to-the-point answers to specific questions, then you're going to like the first part...

The MOP Up: Skyforge takes Switch players to the moon

Earlier this year, Nintendo Switch users were treated to a full-fledged MMORPG with the launch of Skyforge on the platform. Now, Skyforge is taking...
These cores require additional punks.

Corepunk’s class options expand to include the Mercenary, Pain Reaper, and Warmonger

Have you settled on a class to play when Corepunk's beta arrives? You may want to reserve judgment until you read the full reveal...
Hope for light.

Perfect Ten: The top MMOs to watch in 2021

"MMOs are dead!" "MMOs are dying!" "We didn't get any good MMO releases this past year!" While I won't argue with the last one there,...

Massively OP’s 2020 Awards: Most Anticipated MMO

MassivelyOP’s end-of-the-year awards for 2020 continue today with our award for Most Anticipated MMO, which was awarded to Book of Travels and Torchlight Frontiers...

The Daily Grind: What’s your one big MMO gaming wish for 2021?

While it will no doubt continue to be a long and difficult winter, there's something mentally refreshing in turning the calendar over to a...

Corepunk MMORPG delays its closed beta until next spring

While it should come as no surprise to anyone looking at a calendar, the Corepunk closed beta ain't happening this month as once promised....

Massively OP Podcast Episode 288: ArcheAge again

Justin, Bree, and Mia discuss ArcheAge 2, TERA, LOTRO, Wizard101, Corepunk, Raph Koster's new MMO, and Star Citizen, with adventures in WoW Classic, SWTOR, Black Desert, Echo of Soul, SWG Legends, and LOTRO, plus a mailbag discussion on the Final Fantasy XI mobile remake.

Corepunk is aiming for a ‘WoW Classic difficulty level,’ with housing and farming in the works

With closed beta on the way for this December, Corepunk is generating some degree of interest among cyberpunk MMO fans. To feed the hype...

Corepunk plans December closed beta, talks questing and character customization

We've had our eye on upcoming Unity-based MMORPG Corepunk since its original announcement by Dutch studio Artificial Core back in December, and in spite...

Corepunk embraces being a ‘traditional MMORPG’, shows off alpha gameplay

Last December, Corepunk blasted onto the MMO scene - and into our top list of MMOs to watch this year - when Dutch studio...

Corepunk talks about monster camps and delays its next gameplay video debut

The more I think about it, the more I realize that the heroes of MMOs can be the rudest people imaginable. Consider the poor...

Corepunk’s quarterly update removes gender locks, talks business model and masteries

Corepunk, the isometric MMORPG from Dutch developer Artificial Core, has shared its quarterly progress report, which has confirmed the removal of gender-locked hero choices,...

Upcoming MMORPG Corepunk highlights its world and races in new artwork

Back in December, we got a peek at a new Unity MMORPG from Dutch studio Artificial Core called Corepunk. Even newly announced, it got...

Perfect Ten: Upcoming MMOs to watch in 2020

There is a great feeling of flipping a calendar over to a fresh year, isn't there? All that promise and potential spread out in...

Corepunk addresses game speed concerns and thanks content creators for their positive feedback

The upcoming MMORPG Corepunk has been busy in front of the camera over the past couple of weeks. On December 24th and 29th, the...
I didn't say zorp.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 251: New World, Magic Legends, and Corepunk

Bree and Justin discuss PlanetSide Arena, New World, Magic Legends, Elder Scrolls Online, Corepunk, Black Desert Mobile, EVE Echoes, WoW, FFXIV, LOTRO, City of Heroes, and SWGL.

Corepunk is a new top-down Dutch game with all the MMORPG trappings

Who wanted a new MMORPG for Christmas? Well, Corepunk isn't getting here in time for this Christmas, but it's now been officially announced to...