
‘Buy-to-play’ is a term that refers to games that have box or download fees associated with them but do not incur a mandatory subscription. Some have optional subscriptions and are more properly referred to as hybrid B2P. Most have cash shops and microtransactions.

All over.

The Elder Scrolls Online encourages players to visit Orsinium with its August event

It's currently Midyear Mayhem in The Elder Scrolls Online, an event running until August 6th encouraging you to go hog wild on PvP. But...

Destiny 2 previews expansion gear, plans PvP changes, investigates streaky RNG

Still got your eye on Destiny 2's Forsaken expansion coming out at the tail end of summer? Prepare your trigger finger too, as yesterday...
when yo crush read yo note that say lemme smash

Massively Overthinking: Random acts of MMORPG kindness

Last week, down in the comments of an innocuous post about gamers being nice in Fortnite, a couple of MOP commenters requested a column...

PUBG had a great June thanks to the Steam sale, SuperData says in its latest revenue ranking

SuperData's global revenue report for June 2018 is out, and it's actually not particularly exciting for the summer months as not that much has...

The Stream Team: Frivolity in Guild Wars 2’s Festival of the Four Winds

Feel like racing as a dolyak? You can in Guild Wars 2's latest festival! Although Festival of the Four Winds isn't new (it has...

Perfect Ten: The best expansions for specific MMOs

Looking over the past two decades or so, MMORPGs have grown by leaps and bounds with regular releases, events, and (of course) expansion packs....
Here we go again.

The Daily Grind: Rank the top three housing MMOs ever made

WildStar. RIFT. EverQuest II. If I had to choose three MMORPGs that contained the best housing systems and then rank them, that list up there...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 179: MMO parenting fails

Justin and Bree discuss Star Wars Galaxies Legends, World of Warcraft, Elite Dangerous, LOTRO's Weatherstock, Trion's layoffs, No Man's Sky's multiplayer, DDO, and Wizard 101 updates, with mailbag entries on how to start an MMO blog and spooky stuff in Guild Wars 2.

Guild Wars 2’s Festival of the Four Winds has launched after four years asleep

Guild Wars 2 is going old school today with the return of the Festival of the Four Winds, a festival players haven't seen in...

Elder Scrolls Online brings back the ‘Midyear Mayhem’ PvP event next week

ZeniMax is gearing up for a big PvP showdown in The Elder Scrolls Online next week with what it's dubbed the Midyear Mayhem PvP...

One Shots: Party animals

Apologies for the disruption in the normal One Shots schedule over the past couple of weeks, but we're back and freakishly abnormal! Everyone behave...

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite non-awful gaming subreddit?

I want to flip the tables on the whole toxicity/Reddit thing a bit. Earlier this week, we talked about some of the problems Reddit...

Tamriel Infinium: The bizarre lore of the Hist in Elder Scrolls Online – and how it could matter in Murkmire

Although our next Elder Scrolls Online venture into Black Marsh is still many months away, I thought I would take a moment to talk...
Plole ray.

Elder Scrolls Online’s Wolfhunter boasts a hunting grounds dungeon that’s fantastically creepy

The Elder Scrolls Online is really upping its creepy factor in Wolfhunter, if its latest preview of Hircine's Hunting Grounds is any indication. (Seriously,...
And on and on and on...

Perfect Ten: Endless dungeons in MMOs

Most MMO dungeons are normal songs. You start out and you have a pretty clear picture of the beginning, middle, and end; they don't...

Ubisoft believes The Crew 2 is performing as well as The Crew – ‘its digital performance is outperforming’

The Crew 2 might be struggling to garner praise on Steam, where its beta ratings were poor and its post-launch reviews are merely mixed,...
ExPLOsions! Overpowerin'

Destiny 2 deploys Solstice of Heroes: Moments of Triumph update

Good times just might be here if Destiny 2 has anything to say about it. Today, the sci-fi shooter deployed Update 1.2.3 and the...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 178: #womenarecosmetic

Justin and Bree discuss WoW's Battle for Azeroth, Wild West Online, Star Citizen, Defiance 2050, Rend, and Fractured, with a mailbag question on in-game conflict resolution and a special interview on Blaugust Reborn.
All of the lights.

Guild Wars 2 is bringing back the Festival of the Four Winds next week – it’s the next best thing to Cantha

You know what Guild Wars 2 could use right about now? How about a festival? Yeah! How about the return of a festival that's...

The Daily Grind: Which online game has suffered the most from its own hype?

I've still got hype on the brain. We've talked about the length of hype cycles and under-hyped MMOs. Now I want to talk about...