
‘Buy-to-play’ is a term that refers to games that have box or download fees associated with them but do not incur a mandatory subscription. Some have optional subscriptions and are more properly referred to as hybrid B2P. Most have cash shops and microtransactions.

You seem trustworthy.

Funcom explains The Park in a new video

Players of The Secret World already know the history of the eponymous amusement park in The Park, but there's a world of difference between...

The Stream Team: Requisitioning a rocket launcher in The Secret World

The Secret World has a number of auxiliary weapons, one of which is a spiffy rocket launcher! MassivelyOP's MJ already knows the joy of...

Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns will introduce the dragon Glint’s legacy

One of the vacation destinations awaiting Guild Wars 2 players in Heart of Thorns is Tarir, a "shining golden city" teeming with magic and...

World of Warcraft and RuneScape make Twitch’s top games list for September

Don't put much stock in what people are playing on Raptr? What about what people are watching on Twitch? The streaming giant recently released its September...

Destiny is adding microtransactions, starting with emotes

Bungie is opening another revenue pipeline for its popular Destiny, as the game will introduce microtransactions next week. "This coming Tuesday, October 13th, Tess Everis...

Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns has a bevy of rewards in store for PvP

Don't fret your sweaty heads, PvPers -- ArenaNet has not forgotten you. In fact, the studio is throwing you all sorts of incentives to...

Check out this guide to Elder Scrolls Online’s Orsinium

We're about a month away from Elder Scrolls Online's next DLC update, which will open the doors to the Orcish ancestral city of Orsinium....

Flameseeker Chronicles: Guild Wars 2 raid beta impressions

I don't believe I've ever been more excited -- and simultaneously nervous -- about a beta test than I was for Guild Wars 2's third beta...

The Stream Team: The road to EverQuest II’s Nektropos Castle is paved with Heritage Quests

Last time, MassivelyOP's MJ discovered that yet another EverQuest II Heritage Quest needs Nektropos Castle, sidetracking the group once again in their quest to...

Battle Bards MMO music podcast goes on an endless journey

Battle Bards, the world’s first and only MMO music podcast, returns for its 60th episode in which the co-hosts explore the theme of "endless...
Car I'm driving? I bought it.

Ubisoft buys The Crew’s developer

Are you at all worried about Ubisoft's future support of The Crew, beyond the expansion scheduled for a mid-November release? Is that concern at...
Shoot time!

Destiny: The Taken King’s Legendary edition is all of Destiny for a lower price

With all of the changes brought to Destiny with The Taken King, it's entirely understandable that you might want to get into the game....

The Crew announces Wild Run expansion for November

Insert exciting driving metaphor here, for The Crew announced today that it is coming out with an expansion next month. Called Wild Run, the expansion will...

Revival’s tags support ‘elements of role playing that many still believe are impossible in an MMO’

Just in case you thought Revival was all sex and gore, IllFonic's latest dev blog is here to discuss something relatively dry and technical: tags. Interestingly...

Sword and Bored: Costume designer

Mo gets to mess around with his MMO's cosmetic outfit system. Amilya "helps" him, of course.

Reforge Orsinium in Elder Scrolls Online’s new DLC, due in November

Landing on The Elder Scrolls Online's public test server today is the game's next DLC, set in Orsinium, the ancestral home of the Orcs....
Oh noes

Guild Wars 2’s first raid boss is downed and the beta weekend gets extended

Bugs are a natural part of any beta experience, so it's not exactly surprising that Guild Wars 2 would experience some bugs during the...

One Shots: Caught in the act

If I were an MMO character, I'd be completely paranoid that at any point in my life, I could be photographed by an invisible...

Guild Wars 2’s guild hall arena is ‘a combat sandbox’

Guild Wars 2's week of dev blogs continues, this time with an update about guild hall arenas. ArenaNet calls its new guild hall arena...

Leaderboard: Have you played Elite: Dangerous?

I've got the space sim bug again. Well, OK, I never really lost it, but work and other hobbies occasionally make immersing myself in...