Join Massively OP’s Justin Olivetti and friends every few weeks for “a musical journey through MMO soundscapes in the first and only MMO music podcast on the internet. [The official Battle Bards podcast site]
battle bards
Battle Bards Episode 214: Thieves and rogues
You may never see them coming, but when the Battle Bards strike out of the shadows, you’ll either find your pocket picked, your fluffy...
Battle Bards Episode 213: Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker
The END(walker) of Final Fantasy XIV came, went, and brought us some excellent music along the way! In this episode of the Battle Bards,...
Battle Bards Episode 212: Elder Scrolls Online Blackwood
Now that the Battle Bards have had that expensive knee surgery done to remove all arrows, they’re back in the Elder Scrolls Online universe...
Battle Bards Episode 211: Shops and services
When the Battle Bards get loaded up with money and jewels in MMOs, they head back into town for a shopping spree! And if...
Battle Bards Episode 210: Warframe
We heard your many requests, and we delivered! The Battle Bards crew is back to explore the final frontier of music in the Warframe...
Battle Bards Episode 209: Superhero MMOs
When they’re not saving the world from bad tunes, the Battle Bards stuff themselves into spandex and try out for sixth-tier superhero teams. Because...
Battle Bards Episode 208: Valheim
Mighty Vikings and meek bards come together to sing the praises of the soundtrack to 2021’s smash hit Valheim! Syl does her best to...
The Battle Bards MMO music podcast: 2021 in review
If you're among the very select and savvy few who love video game music, MMORPGs, and MMORPG game music, then you are the target...
Battle Bards Episode 207: Seeing Red
Have you ever gotten so mad that you literally saw red? Better yet, have you ever heard the color red when you’ve listened to...
Battle Bards Episode 206: Warping back to WildStar
It’s been a long, long time since the Battle Bards have ventured down to the surface of Nexus — at least, as a full...
Battle Bards Episode 205: Love is in the air
They might not be the most naturally romantic crew at heart, but the Battle Bards have been known to get, er, swoony when love is professed...
Battle Bards Episode 204: New World
The MMORPG smash hit of 2021 is now a soundtrack of far-off lands, dangerous vistas, and bewildering secrets. To navigate this New World, the...
Battle Bards Episode 203: The music of mobile MMOs
For this week’s episode, the Battle Bards turn their attention to an oft-neglected realm of MMO music — that of mobile titles. Will Steff...
Battle Bards Episode 202: Silkroad Online
Piggybacking on a historical lifeline, Silkroad Online has enjoyed a long run in the MMORPG market. But how is its music? To find this...
Battle Bards Episode 201: Don’t stand in the fire!
Have you stood in the fire? Did you start the fire? Are you on fire at this very moment? Then stop, drop, and roll...
Battle Bards Episode 200: Battle Bards Bicentennial!
Can you believe it? The Battle Bards have hit 200 amazing episodes! Join Steff, Syl, and Syp as they take a victory lap around...
Battle Bards Episode 199: World of Warcraft tavern tunes
At the start and end of a long day of adventurin’, the Battle Bards love to kick back with a frosty mug of (ginger)...
Battle Bards Episode 198: Final Fantasy XI expansions
Return with us to the lands of Vana’diel, as the Battle Bards dip into the ocean of Final Fantasy XI expansion music. While Syl...
Battle Bards Episode 197: A royal affair
Bow to your king and queens of MMO music royalty, for the Battle Bards have donned the crown, taking up the majestic scepter, and...
Battle Bards Episode 196: Project Gorgon
This time around, the Battle Bards cruise into the indie MMO known as Project Gorgon to see what musical landscape is being concocted in...