
Major gaming studio, responsible for World of Warcraft and the Warcraft franchise, Diablo III and the Diablo franchise, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, and Overwatch.

The Daily Grind: What do you think about the New World delay?

Last week's Friday afternoon news was the revelation that Amazon's MMORPG New World has been delayed for at least the third time that we...

The Game Archaeologist: World War II Online

The 1990s saw the rise of flight simulators that thrived on detailed, complicated controls and handling. Such games threw out accessibility and casual-friendliness for...

One Shots: Forest for the trees

There's something enchanting and thrillingly dangerous about stepping into a vast forest in an MMORPG. You never know what may be around the next...
Other glows.

WoW Shadowlands breaks down the Covenant system and the Maw, confirms class-wide Artifact transmog

As the beta test for World of Warcraft's Shadowlands expansion looms large, details are continuing to pour out of Blizzard about the expansion's content...

Vague Patch Notes: Don’t alter MMO systems for people who never liked them to begin with

Here's a concept that just would not leave my mind thanks to World of Warcraft, but it's not a bad thing. But in order...

World of Warcraft Shadowlands: Free gender changes, flying requirements, and six-month sub mount

With World of Warcraft: Shadowlands' beta set for next week, it's starting to feel like there's some actual hype building behind this next expansion....

Massively Overthinking: How much should MMOs cost in 2020?

MOP reader Castagere recently wrote to us with a nod to the growing sentiment across the gaming industry that might indicate a shift in...
It just keeps happening.

WoW Factor: Dissecting the drips and drabs from the Shadowlands reveal stream

All right. World of Warcraft: Shadowlands kicks off its beta next week. I would kind of like to be involved in that! I am...

SuperData calls expansions the ‘lifeblood’ for World of Warcraft

I have a thing about graphs without labeled axes. Just yesterday, I was literally making fun of the time Nexon turned in this unitless graph in its investor report. Yay squiggly lines!

EA shareholders criticize ‘exorbitant’ executive pay, slam ‘payoffs for layoffs’

Over the course of June, we covered attempts by Activision-Blizzard shareholders to agitate against the company's "Say-on-Pay" policy, which critics say effectively overpays CEO...
Just marking time after all.

World of Warcraft Shadowlands’ beta begins next week

Updates and pics are at the bottom of this post! Welcome back to Eliot liveblogging about Blizzard events. Like you, I thought we were done...

Perfect Ten: More time traveling adventures in MMOs

Writers and geeks alike can't seem to get enough of time travel -- and neither can I! Back in 2017, I wrote a list of...
You look trustworthy, join our party!

World of Warcraft has its first trans character in the Shadowlands alpha and prepares the Darkmoon Faire on live

The first canonical trans character in World of Warcraft is here in Shadowlands: Pelagos, an aspirant among the Kyrians whose mortal form was that...

Massively Uplifting: Speech therapy, a college class in WoW, and the Ian Holm tribute that crashed LOTRO

Inside or outside? Like a cat at the door, June had many of us unsure if we wanted to go out or stay in;...
Sometimes it just makes sense.

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands datamining reveals more alpha details, including more Soulbinds

The testing for World of Warcraft: Shadowlands continues, and with a new update that means new datamining of important details. The most recent update...

Everland was the MMO Reckful was building before he passed away.

Last week, we covered the tragic death of Byron Bernstein, the popular streamer and World of Warcraft player who took his own life at the...
Llook out, Llary! It's the llandlllord!

The Daily Grind: Do you have a favorite MMO PvP moment?

There was a fun thread on the Guild Wars 2 subreddit a while back that really made me miss solid MMORPG PvP. A player...

Diablo III has launched Season 21, Trials of the Tempests

Not that Diablo III was ever a calm and peaceful game at the best of times, but with the advent of Season 21, it's...
Shoulder touch.

World of Warcraft plans to connect multiple low-population realms to higher-population ones over the next few months

Friendships! They're probably spectacular. Would you like to have some in World of Warcraft? The designers would like for you to have them, which...
Just absolute galaxy brain

WoW Factor: The missing soulbinds of Shadowlands’ testing

Everyone remembers about soulbinding, yes? It's one of the major new features in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands? Like, it's literally the whole thing that...