buy to play

‘Buy-to-play’ is a term that refers to games that have box or download fees associated with them but do not incur a mandatory subscription. Some have optional subscriptions and are more properly referred to as hybrid B2P. Most have cash shops and microtransactions.

MMO Mechanics: What can be learned from Guild Wars 2 Mountgate?

Most often, MMO Mechanics articles focus on the gameplay mechanics that both make the MMO genre unique and those that diversify MMOs from one...

For Science! Researchers find link between fluid intelligence and elite MOBA play

In a new paper released last week, University of York researchers sought to examine whether research that strategy gaming (like chess and arcade games)...

PSA: Elder Scrolls Online gives away a free bug mount to all Morrowind owners

If you don't mind saddling up on something that is straight out of an entomophobic's worst nightmare, then boy is Elder Scrolls Online going...

Global Chat: Why you need to be playing Warframe

You know what's one MMO that seems to be capturing the interest of a lot of gamers these days? Warframe. It seems to be...

One Shots: Gassy and bloated

I do think that we, as a culture, have become disturbingly obsessed with selfies, but I will always make an exception for anyone who...

Elite: Dangerous player is reaching out to speak with the game’s inscrutable aliens

Remember that Star Trek: The Next Generation episode where the crew spent the entire episode tracking down and struggling to communicate with a destructive...

Overwatch kicks off a free play weekend across all platforms

Destiny 2 who? Overwatch is aiming to lure in as many of Blizzard's players as possible with another free weekend. The best part? It's...

Sea of Thieves trailer dares you to ‘be more pirate’

All other studios, it's time to pack it in: Sea of Thieves has won the Trailer Olympics, at least for 2017. In Rare's newest video,...

Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris brings an infinite forest, Mercury, and new raid lairs

Are you tired of MMOs providing you with bland and predictable finite forests? Thank goodness that Destiny 2 is here to show other MMOs...

Bossland gives up on WoW’s Honorbuddy cheat following Blizzard’s 2017 court victories

If you weren't convinced that Blizzard defeated Bossland in its string of lawsuits already, you will be today. As The Nosy Gamer noticed, Bossland...
I what

Battle Bards Episode 109: Club Penguin

When you’ve got a club full of penguins overseen by the Mouse House itself, you know things are going to get both wacky and...
feelin' fine!

Bungie posts Destiny 2 Curse of Osiris trailer, kicks off expansion stream

MMO studio streams are so common that we seldom report on them until after the fact and then only if they've actually revealed something...

The Elder Scrolls Online celebrates Orsinium’s birthday with sales and rewards

Listen, The Elder Scrolls Online players, did you realize that Orsinium has been out for two years as of this month? Because it has....

Massively OP Podcast Episode 144: Harry Potter and the Deathly ARG

Justin and Bree talk Guild Wars 2 mounts, the Harry Potter ARG, SWTOR's merge, WoW, LOTRO, Pocket Legends Adventures, Android games, and Bluehole's Ascent: Infinite Realm, with mailbag questions on GW2 marketing, visual effect shenanigans, and MMOs as escapism.

Flameseeker Chronicles: Unpacking more of Guild Wars 2’s Path of Fire story

As promised, Flameseeker Chronicles is back with a continuation of the Guild Wars 2 Path of Fire story deep-dive I've been crafting over the last few...

NCsoft Q3 2017: Lineage M drives record profits, Guild Wars 2 Path of Fire isn’t too shabby either

NCsoft had an exceptionally good third financial quarter this year, reaching a record high in sales and operating profit for the company, and it's...
Where now?

Guild Wars 2’s fourth living story season is set to begin November 28

ArenaNet just announced that the fourth season of living world content will kick off in Guild Wars 2 on November 28th. The teaser provides...

PSA: Elder Scrolls Online is handing out free clockwork pets

Psst! Hey kid! Would you like to get your hands on some of the latest tech from Vvardenfell? How about if it was... completely...
Too hot (hot damn)

Here’s how Guild Wars 2 players will go broke on Black Friday

You know it's coming. When the turkey and pumpkin pie meet their demise, the Black Friday sales will start. Guild Wars 2 fans will...

Divining the details of Harry Potter: Wizards Unite from a Pokemon Go player’s perspective

When we first heard rumors about a Harry Potter version of Pokemon Go, I said I could barely imagine what the game might be like before...