buy to play

‘Buy-to-play’ is a term that refers to games that have box or download fees associated with them but do not incur a mandatory subscription. Some have optional subscriptions and are more properly referred to as hybrid B2P. Most have cash shops and microtransactions.

The Stream Team: Breaking into The Secret World’s Orochi Tower

If you enjoyed reading about The Secret World's Reaping the Whirlwind goodness, you might just love watching it! Massively OP's MJ and Justin area teaming...
Oh, look, it's this fun debate again.

The Elder Scrolls Online will not require a one-time code for play on consoles

Good news for those of you looking to play The Elder Scrolls Online on consoles - if you want to sell your copy or...
You can go ahead and fear me, really.

Guild Wars 2 unveils the Necromancer elite spec, the Reaper

Under normal circumstances, Guild Wars 2 Necromancers have a pretty decisive philosophy of not getting involved in melee. It makes sense, after all. These...
Nothing but sad things to say.

LEGO Minifigures Online is switching from F2P to B2P this summer

Funcom has announced that its LEGO Minifigures Online is launching "with full cross-platform play this summer." Wait a minute, didn't this game already launch...

Leaderboard: Do you like the buy-to-play model?

I was discussing MMO business models with some friends this week, and one of them commented that buy-to-play is the best thing ever. I...
All right, the Lopp have some chops here too.

NCsoft Q1 2015: Growth for Guild Wars 2, further deflation for WildStar

NCsoft's first quarter financial report is out, and... you know, let's start with the good news. Guild Wars 2 is making the company more...

Jukebox Heroes: How Elite: Dangerous’ music put me into a mild coma

You know what gets me righteously angry? I shall tell you. I shall tell you, and then you shall share in my anger, you...

Sea-based sandbox Windward launches

Unfurl the sails, cut the jib, and swab the poop deck -- Windward launch, ho! The sea-based sandbox officially rolls out of drydock today on...

WildStar subreddit mod bans F2P and B2P discussions

Hope you didn't have plans to talk about WildStar's possible conversion to a new business model on Reddit because one of the game's subreddit...

Tamriel Infinium: A guide to Elder Scrolls Online’s combat basics

I was looking back through some of my posts about the Elder Scrolls Online, and I noticed that I've mentioned combat quite a bit....

‘No more grind’: PvP sandbox Das Tal launches its Kickstarter

As promised, buy-to-play indie PvP sandbox Das Tal has begun a Kickstarter campaign today to coincide with the launch of the German wing of...
Oh, yeah, we sort of see it now.

Did you know Diablo III was once planned as an MMO?

It's indisputable that World of Warcraft took a lot of nods from online Diablo II when it first launched. Sometimes, it almost seems as...

Guild Wars 2 gives us a glimpse of the Necromancer’s elite spec

Another week, another reveal of the next elite specialization reveal for Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns. If this new piece of teased concept...
Not a puppy.

Destiny’s second expansion gets a video preview

If you're anything like me, you found out that Destiny's second expansion does not actually contain a literal house of wolves and got very...

Elite: Dangerous offering Steam keys to game owners

Good news if you've purchased or are thinking of purchasing Elite: Dangerous from the game's website: Frontier said that it will be offering Steam...
We were the kings and queens of promise.

Scope out the Guild Wars 2 Dragonhunter summary

You can't play a Dragonhunter Guardian in Guild Wars 2 right now no matter how much you might want to be wielding a bow...

Week in Review: WoW slips to 7.1M subs [May 10, 2015]

Were you too busy gaming this week to pay attention to MMO news? Get caught up every Sunday evening with Massively Overpowered's Week in Review! World...

MMO Mechanics: Three favourite action combat systems

Virtually every MMO contains dangerous places that are filled with other players or NPCs that will attack characters on site, and many also feature...
Aiming for the planet.

Elite’s Mac client launches May 12, Powerplay beta on May 20

This week's Elite: Dangerous newsletter covers quite a bit of ground. Firstly, the game's Mac client will launch on May 12th. Mac and PC...

Echo of Soul trailer puts the spotlight on PvP

Don't worry, PvP people -- Echo of Soul isn't going to leave you high and dry. The now-in-closed-beta Korean MMO has released a new video...