closed beta

Nexon shuts down Sudden Attack 2 right after launch

Sudden Attack 2 is getting a new name: Suddenly Shut Down. Steparu reports that this MMOFPS is facing imminent termination by publisher Nexon Korea, as the servers will...
Wow, look; nothing.

Betawatch: Shroud of the Avatar is proudly persistent (July 29, 2016)

Let's make something clear: Shroud of the Avatar has not launched, it's just handled its final server wipe and will now be persistent moving...

Lost Ark’s Korean beta begins August 24th

The Lost Ark beta teased yesterday is now set in stone: It's coming August 24th, with signups beginning next week on August 3rd. Do note that we're...

AdventureQuest 3D works in mounts during its closed beta

"World leaders will meet at a summit to talk about the release of AdventureQuest 3D. By this point, the national Coffee reserves will have...

Virtus Gaming hopes to be the next big thing for MMORPG communities

Last week, we were contacted by the purveyor of a new online gaming social media platform called Virtus Gaming. Drew Duncan's his name, and...
Das Test.

Betawatch: Das Tal weathers the summer alpha storm (July 22, 2016)

The doors are open for Das Tal's summer test, and the result has been good and bad. Good because a lot of people want...

Revelation Online’s class trailer offers six tempting playstyles

When it comes to upcoming games, one of the most pressing questions for any player is which class he or she will choose for...

Atlas Reactor keeps the beta party rolling

Sometimes when the party is raging so hard, you don't want it to end. Sometimes, it doesn't have to. Trion Worlds announced yesterday that it...

Sea of Thieves shies away from friendly fire and permanent loss

Rare is still feeling out the "emergent world" of Sea of Thieves as the game nears its closed beta testing phase. In an interview...
Just admit it's launch day.

The Soapbox: Calling an MMO launch a launch

It's launch. Can we collectively accept that? Marketing, developers, and players alike? Launch is launch. When your game launches, it has launched. If I can...
Jazzhands are happening

Betawatch: AdventureQuest 3D steamrolls toward open beta (July 15, 2016)

You know how some titles like to linger in ill-defined test phases forever? AdventureQuest 3D doesn't want to go that route. The game is...

Asian mobile MMO Chaos Legends starts taking beta sign-ups

Snail Games has a new MMO in the works, and this time the studio is aiming at your mobile device instead of your PC....

Revelation Online shows off the Blademaster’s moves

Last month's Revelation Online fly-through video slapped us across the face with how beautiful this upcoming game is, but is that beauty only skin-deep...
Jazzhands are happening

AdventureQuest 3D is hitting open beta very soon

Are you sporting a Massively Overpowered cape in AdventureQuest 3D without anyone around to appreciate its sublime awesomeness? Be patient just a little bit...

The MOP Up: Path of Exile’s Q&A bonanza (July 10, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
Must we?

Betawatch: World of Warcraft and the art of pre-patch trolling (July 7, 2016)

We have a launch date for World of Warcraft's next expansion, but we don't have a date for the pre-patch before the expansion launches....

Atlas Reactor reveals free-play event, new toons, and Blur trailer

Trion has a huge closed beta week planned for Atlas Reactor starting today (through July 17th) with a free-play event for the normally B2P,...
Also, it's crazy random.

World of Warcraft: Legion Q&A addresses the lore and balancing of artifacts

Artifacts are a big deal in World of Warcraft: Legion, which is why the most recent live developer question and answer session was all...
Thrill to the adventures of Shoutmouth Missilehat!

Atlas Reactor opens up its closed beta for everyone until July 17

Starting on July 8th, you can jump into Atlas Reactor's closed beta, even if you're not normally one of the people in the closed...
Ride or... just ride, actually.

Betawatch: Riders of Icarus moves into head start (July 1, 2016)

Riders of Icarus has not launched yet; it's in head start. Yes, head start before open beta, rather than before, like, launch or something....