
So let's talk. We're talking? Let's talk.

Choose My Adventure: Grinding away in Project Gorgon

First of all, I'd like to thank everyone who offered me some good Project Gorgon advice in the last installment of this column. Advice...

Perfect Ten: RIFT features that deserve praise

Maybe it will be short-lived, but it is exciting to see attention and excitement return to the sphere of RIFT following the announcement of...

Flameseeker Chronicles: My Guild Wars 2 goals for 2018

It's the time of year for spring-cleaning and goal-setting, where we look ahead to a fresh start filled with plenty of days left for...

EVE Evolved: A matter of balance in EVE Online

Throughout its almost 15-year lifetime, EVE Online has walked a fine line between developing new features and iterating on existing gameplay. Development has to...
Big time.

Wisdom of Nym: Looking at Final Fantasy XIV’s patch 4.2

A lot of times, I spread out my time with Final Fantasy XIV patches, unlocking and finishing up content at a reasonably sedate pace....

LOTRO Legendarium: The 10 best pages on Lotro-Wiki

Earlier this week, one of my online friends and fellow Lord of the Rings Online player put out a notice that there was now...

EverQuesting: EverQuest II is a packrat’s paradise

While some consider the acquisition of stuff to be distracting to gameplay, others of us know that it is actually a vital part of...
I want a milky way.

WoW Factor: So Battle for Azeroth is out for pre-order

Well, folks, I hope you've made your pre-purchases of World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth and started playing your allied races. I found out...

Tamriel Infinium: Where will the next Elder Scrolls Online ‘chapter’ take place?

In case you missed it, a couple of weeks back there were a couple of spoilers datamined from the testing files that seem to...
The yeller.

Perfect Ten: Ten more World of Warcraft races fans would like to play

Sometimes, you write a column more or less as a mental exercise, and then World of Warcraft drops an expansion pre-purchase that makes it...
Burn it down!

Wisdom of Nym: Reacting to the Final Fantasy XIV patch 4.2 notes

My initial plan for this particular column was just to write "woo patch notes woo" but I was informed that this plan had certain...

Guild Chat: Choosing your MMO guild officers wisely

Welcome along to another edition of Guild Chat, the column through which we join forces to solve a particular guild-related issue for one Massively...

The Game Archaeologist: Fallen Age

Imagine that one day you wake up, stumble to your computer, and check in on the morning news. Among the various tidbits is a...

The Survivalist: The downside of hosting custom servers for survival games (and why we don’t do it)

After the latest guide introduced even more possible games to sink our survival teeth into, it is understandable that the question cropped up again...

Guild Chat: Should I hop MMO guilds with my guild leader?

Welcome along to another edition of Guild Chat, the column through which I join forces with the Massively Overpowered readership in order to tackle...

WoW Factor: The debate over World of Warcraft’s refer-a-friend nerf

Ah, another day and another thing to enrage people in World of Warcraft. Last time, it was that the Allied Race unlocks might (will)...

Jukebox Heroes: World of Warcraft’s best music, part 1

A week ago, I started to engage in an interesting thought experiment. I started jotting down what I thought were the best World of...

Hyperspace Beacon: No, Star Wars The Old Republic isn’t on the verge of sunset

I recently read a wild argument based on unsubstantiated rumor that Star War: The Old Republic is nearing its end of life, that BioWare...

The Soapbox: Confessions of a serial hoarder (in MMORPGs)

How much is too much? To some, that might seem like a reasonable question. But I knew. I knew. There is no such thing as...

Perfect Ten: Major MMO expansions and updates to expect in 2018

Now that we're almost 1/12th of the way through 2018, it's probably about time to stop anticipating the year and start experiencing it. We...