
Choose My Adventure: I may have fallen out of love with City of Heroes

I have to admit something, to everyone reading this and to myself. I’m not sure I missed City of Heroes as much as I...

Legends of Aria hits Steam early access today with the PvP patch, a sale, and a free month of sub for loyalists

Legends of Aria's big day has arrived - or will when the gates open today around 3 p.m. EDT. A few weeks ago, Citadel Studios...

Nexon’s PC and mobile consolidation ends up with employee layoffs after all

It looks as if rumored efforts to merge PC and mobile divisions weren't just rumors, and according to Gamasutra, the company has closed two...

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG boasts the most outrageously oversized weapons?

Last week, an old friend of my family (who happens to be an amazing photographer) uploaded a fab shot of a statue of a...

Massively Uplifting: Good deeds by the Paladins, Warframe, and AdventureQuest 3D communities

Here we go again with the "games are evil" nonsense, right? We've had that agenda pushed in our faces before, and Massively Uplifting is...
Still crazy after all these years.

Dungeons and Dragons Online devs talk up the Alchemist and the permadeath server

Ready to embrace a permadeath lifestyle? While that normally scares off MMO players, the Dungeons and Dragons Online community has fostered this kind of...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO with housing do you wish had even better housing?

A weekend or two ago, I finally decided to get a house in Villagers & Heroes. I've been building it up in my mind...

EVE Evolved: What injecting chaos means for EVE Online

The past few weeks have been pretty transformative for EVE Online, with the global communications blackout across null-security space revitalising roaming gang PvP in...

One Shots: Indulging in nostalgia

When an MMORPG recedes into the rearview mirror of life, all you are left with are memories, music... and screenshots. It's amazing how a...
Ham ham ham ham ham.

WRUP: This sentence, translated back and forth between languages, is this week’s What Are You Playing edition

This sentence, translated back and forth between languages, is this week's What Are You Playing. This sentence, translated between languages ​​and so forth, is...

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG offers the best farming and gardening experience?

Not gonna lie, I really like farming in MMOs. No, not the grindy kind of farming, just the actual process of farming crops on...
Oh my!

Conan Exiles disables avatar summoning – again! – after players abuse exploit to… dupe gods

Dangit people, some of y'all just can't resist an exploit, can ya? Apparently an exploit with avatar tokens in Conan Exiles is causing such...

The Daily Grind: What should Daybreak do with the EverQuest IP?

Recently, EverQuest Lead Producer Holly Longdale spoke to the rumors and general silence revolving about the continuation of the franchise, saying that Daybreak is...

Massively Overthinking: Thoughts and predictions on Guild Wars 2’s next big thing

Last week, Guild Wars 2 put an end to the whining about info droughts by promising a big reveal of living story season 5...

Desert Oasis: A guide to open PvP and grindspot etiquette in the world of Black Desert

Back in my classic Guild Wars days, I was so happy to have the scrimmage system. It was a great way to solve arguments....
The vista

Blizzard was ‘blown away’ by World of Warcraft Classic beta engagement

It might have only lasted a short time, but World of Warcraft Classic's beta test certainly made an impression -- on both the community...

The Daily Grind: What is the purpose of MMO player housing?

We've certainly kicked around the topic of player housing in this space before, but a lot of the division and disagreement I've seen on...

Guild Wars 2’s Festival of the Four Winds is live once again, along with the legendary upgrade event

It's patch day for Guild Wars 2 today and the new event is live. "Festival of the Four Winds has returned to Tyria!" ArenaNet...

Choose My Adventure: Help, the Going Rogue story of City of Heroes has a hold of me

The thing about being a superhero that almost nobody tells you is that there are personal stories involved. Sure, the big picture is what...

Path of Exile is already working on its next expansion, tentatively slated for September 6

Everyone calmed down after the rollback in Path of Exile last week? Good - because Grinding Gear has done its apology tour, and now...