
Blizzard devs characterize layoffs as a ‘bloodbath’ as pro-unionization effort calls for Bobby Kotick’s resignation

A day after Activision-Blizzard announced record earnings and began laying off a reported 800 people, we're finally getting a clearer picture of the full...

EVE Online’s Alliance Tournament is taking a hiatus for 2019

2019 is looking to be a year of big changes for EVE Online's usual yearly events: On top of the Reykjavik Fanfest being replaced...
I'm not back on any BS, I never left it.

Perfect Ten: 10 MMOs I’m optimistic about in 2019

It's still early enough in 2019 to do articles about the upcoming year, right? Well, I'm doing this one anyway, so if it's too...

EverQuest’s new progression servers are coming next month amid heavy player criticism

When March 16th rolls around this year, it will be important for two reasons. The first is that this date will mark the 20th...

The Daily Grind: What do you want out of a space sim MMO?

It's a good time to be a yearning space pilot, as Elite: Dangerous is already on the field and titles like Star Citizen and...

EVE Online: The February release, Guardian’s Gala, CCPlease, chat mess compensation, and Burn Jita 2019

Happy patch day, capsuleers: CCP Games has patched up EVE Online with the February release, which focuses heavily on quality-of-life additions for the game,...

Choose My Adventure: Further bear adventures in The Elder Scrolls Online

First things first: I got my bear. This, as many players will attest, is the most important part of being a Warden. I had...

The Daily Grind: Are you concerned about New World’s setting?

When New World was announced back in 2016, the MMO community went to work dissecting everything, from its PvP system to its business model...

Warframe maps out Weekend Wars, teases new Hildryn and Wisp ‘frames

Move over, Valentine's Day, a bigger event is on in Warframe: the Weekend War, in celebration of the game's sixth anniversary. Since beta. Because...

Star Trek Online players say they aren’t going for Cryptic’s lackluster $120 ship bundle

Star Trek Online may be set in some sort of idealistic utopia, but the game practices have left its fanbase feeling as though it...

The Daily Grind: Is there an MMO or other online title you won’t let your kids play?

So it happened last week: My kid told me I was mean because I wouldn't let him play Fortnite when all his friends got...

Global Chat: Anthem makes first contact with gamers

The game on everyone's mind this month definitely has to be BioWare's Anthem. The studio's first new IP in a long time is a...

One Shots: Diet lightsabers

I think it's about high time we got a Star Wars game in which lightsabers functioned properly as instruments that could melt or slice...

LOTRO Legendarium: Is Moria amazing – or agonizing?

In about a month, Lord of the Rings Online's progression servers will unlock their first expansion and take us deep into the mines of...
john madden john madden john madden john madden

WRUP: Movies you could not make today edition

Casablanca: Humphrey Bogart is exceptionally dead and thus can no longer star in this movie, which means that it would no longer have its...
Oh, please be all right.

The Daily Grind: Which MMO took the most effort to click with you?

I think that many of us MMO veterans have a story or two in our past that involves not getting a game the first...

Blackwake brings an indie pirate experience to your computer screen

Between last year's Sea of Thieves and this year's upcoming Skull and Bones, is there any room left in the pirate naval combat genre?...
Something got cast.

Check out these spectacular prize-winning player housing hideouts in Path of Exile

Back in December, Grinding Gear Games launched a massive expansion for Path of Exile, Betrayal, and among its key features was an overhaul to...

Leaderboard: Are you concerned about the health of the games market right now?

In the last couple of weeks, we've been posting what seems like an endless list of bad news from gaming companies insofar as their...

Interview: Black Desert’s Pearl Abyss on battle royale design, metrics, cron stones, and future content

Black Desert has had a wild ride over the last year, as has its home studio, Pearl Abyss. Not only did PA pick up...