
The Daily Grind: How patient are you when playing an MMORPG for the first time?

How many times have you seen this kind of advice from fans of an MMO? "You have to get past the first 10 hours...

PAX West 2018: Getting my feet wet in Elder Scrolls Online’s Murkmire

I should preface this article with two things: I got to spend maybe 15 minutes in Murkmire while in a crowded, loud room at...

The Daily Grind: What major blunders in MMORPG history should future devs study?

A week or so ago, Justin penned another entry in his long-running City of Heroes historical pieces, and down in the comments, a reader...

One Shots: A game of horror

If you're like me -- screenshot-mad and playing Battle for Azeroth -- then you've been filling up your World of Warcraft image folders like...

Sea of Thieves attempts to calm its community over inventory changes

A new and more flexible barrel inventory system caught a lot of Sea of Thieves players off guard when it arrived in Patch 1.2.4,...
by cat stevens

WRUP: Vintage advertisement for Dr. Farnell’s Neck-Staple System from 1957 edition

Have you ever been told that you "would lose your head if it were not attached to your neck?" Friends, what happens if your...
Strawberry fields forever.

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the most adorable mascot?

While not every MMO has one, mascots are an interesting phenomenon that some developers promote and communities latch onto during their time with the...

TERA is merging its PC servers too – here’s how it’s all going down in September

Last month, En Masse dropped its console servers for TERA from 22 down to 7. Now, the company is planning a similar round of...

Champions Online starts its four-week anniversary event

At one year shy of a full decade, Champions Online has defied all odds to become the longest-running superhero MMORPG on the planet. That...
Oh my.

Bless Online highlights login bonuses and offers a new Bless Unleashed trailer

Are login bonuses an excellent way to reward players for regularly logging into a game and thus enriching the active community, or are they...

Star Citizen partially reverses CitizenCon streaming paywall decision after community erupts

Note: We've updated the end of this post with the latest developments since the article went live Friday morning. The Star Citizen subreddit has been...

No Man’s Sky kicks off its first official community event

No Man's Sky didn't just expand into persistent multiplayer with its NEXT update but also laid down the foundation for regular community events to...
ESO Tales of the Dead

The Daily Grind: If you were an MMO NPC, what items would you drop for the players who slay you?

I fell in love with an epic and frankly underrated Twitter thread from game dev Ben Porter this week. "If you were an NPC,...
oh gosh

EA sets up relief fund for Madden shooting victims and donates $1 million

The ripple effect of the horrendous shooting at an esports tournament are going to be felt for some time. EA has already cancelled the...

New World teases us with video clips about nothing

Now that the cat is out of the bag and Amazon is promoting New World, there's been a renewed interest in the community with...

Riot Games vows sweeping corporate culture changes in response to piles of sexism allegations

League of Legends studio Riot Games is in the news again, this time in relation to the ongoing sexism scandal going on within the...
Somebody pull.

How World of Warcraft was made, from an insider’s perspective

World of Warcraft fans are buzzing about a new book that looks at the development of the game from one of the insiders who...
Oh, I get it.

The Daily Grind: How much of an MMO graphics snob are you?

Pretty much any time that Project Gorgon comes up in discussion around Massively OP, a discussion invariably takes place among readers that weighs the...

Global Chat: Why roleplaying in MMOs matters

If you haven't visited Psychochild's Blog -- the brainchild of former Meridian 59 and Storybricks dev Brian Green -- lately, you are missing out...

EA cancels Madden qualifiers after shooting as PAX West organizers allay security concerns

The mass shooting at a Madden esports tourney that claimed the lives of two young players, Elijah "TrueBoy" Clayton and Taylor "SpotMePlzz" Robertson, has...