
Remember, you were the ones who couldn't wait for this game.

Bless Online cuts back its influencer program following conduct mishaps

Neowiz is on a downsizing streak for its Bless Online emissary program, reducing the number of player ambassadors (read: influencers) for the game as...
cars go vroom vroom

The Daily Grind: Do you prefer ‘work’ simulation MMOs to more fantastic game worlds?

In the comments of my piece on Raph Koster's book last week, a commenter brought up the idea that mimicking the real world in...

E3 2018: A second look at Trion’s Defiance 2050 reboot

GDC 2018 back in March was good to Defiance 2050, at least in terms of making people aware of the goals of the game....

Elder Scrolls Online players politely review-bomb the game over excessive Steam login woes

If you've been struggling to play Elder Scrolls Online on Steam this weekend, you're not alone. Apparently the Steam logins have been crapping out...

World of Warcraft tackles addon toxicity, previews how you’re going to lose your artifact weapon

A small, seemingly insignificant addition to Battle for Azeroth might have a positive effect on World of Warcraft's modding community. Blizzard is adding a...

The Daily Grind: What’s your biggest ever MMO splurge?

Ever since Trove launched its superhero-themed expansion Heroes, I've been hemming and hawing over buying the big mama upgrade package for the Vanguardian and...

The MOP Up: Skyforge’s PvP revolution (June 17, 2018)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Global Chat: The best of both worlds

If you have ever played more than one MMORPG, the thought has probably crossed your mind that you would love to see your favorite...

One Shots: Fashion patrol coming your way!

Well that is certainly one way to fill up the comments section with tons of screenshots: asking all of you to show of your...
Less texture.

WRUP: Guess the person edition

Sometimes, our work chat is mature and productive and focuses on useful things. Sometimes I just use it to come up with creative burns....

The Daily Grind: Which MMO’s music brings back all the feels?

One of the reasons that I love and listen to MMO music so much -- other than it rocks, obviously -- is that it...
I can stop any time I want.

World of Warcraft Q&A explains why you’re not getting your Mark of the Wild back

Remember when everyone was very excited about how World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth was bringing back class buffs like Mark of the Wild?...

Bless Online explains why it chose early access, lays out the content coming soon

Bless Online Executive Producer Sungjin Ko is back with another letter for the community today, this one offering insight into why Neowiz picked early...

The Game Archaeologist: The tangled legal history of Interplay’s canceled Fallout Online

With the recent revelation that Bethesda's Fallout 76 is going to be an online multiplayer survival game, players who have been hoping for a...

The Daily Grind: Does teaching toxic MMO gamers what they did wrong actually help?

As RPS reported this week, Valve has taken the relatively unusual step of making your Dota 2 and CSGO report cards semi-public - that is,...

E3 2018: Nintendo thinks lockboxes are unfairly maligned, help ‘drive engagement’

You know how sometimes, when nosy press asks you a question with no good answer, you're better off shutting up? And when they don't...

‘Magic through serendipity’: Raph Koster on the glorious mess that was Ultima Online

I was a wide-eyed, naive kid when I first stepped into Ultima Online in 1997, and as it turns out, the developers were too. That's...
Everyone shoots everyone else!

E3 2018: Sony blocks Fortnite crossplay with rival consoles, waffles on a response

This week's showing at E3 should have been a victory lap for one of gaming's hottest titles, but Sony seems bound and determined to...

Lord of the Rings Online continues to fine-tune class adjustments

How many number twos can Standing Stone Games put after a Lord of the Rings Online patch before it collapses from the sheer decimal...
It's under control, probably.

Skyforge answers player questions about future plans

So what's in the cards for the future of Skyforge? Players always want to know, and the most recent set of community questions and...