
What you are chasing and will not get.

Perfect Ten: The MMOs with the best value at the start of 2018

Let's talk about value. A couple of weeks back, I did an article on the healthiest games at the end of the year; today,...
Well, good by the standards of this title.

The Repopulation restarts its test world but removes backer tiers

It's a case of good news, bad news over at The Repopulation this month. The scifi sandbox, which is now being handled by Idea Fabrik...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO had the best 2017 overall?

This is it, people. We are counting down to the final days and hours of 2017, and I know that there is usually this...
The 'ablo'

What are the odds that Blizzard is making a Diablo MMORPG?

Over at, one of the writers has formulated an intriguing theory that Blizzard is actually in the process of creating a Diablo MMORPG...

Enter to win a Closers ‘Ace’ founder pack from En Masse and MOP!

In honor of Closers' early access beta this season (and the huge update video En Masse put put out yesterday), we've got an even bigger...
Perhaps the bank should be re-evaluated.

Overwatch deals with trolls and smurfs

The complex and often times toxic environment of Overwatch continues to make the popular team shooter a source of controversy and attention. Even Game...

The Daily Grind: What was your favorite NPC added to an MMO in 2017?

In 2016, we asked readers to propose new informal awards to go along with the eleventy-billion formal awards we already do. One of my...

Shroud of the Avatar is really truly launching on March 27, 2018

If you're a Shroud of the Avatar player, you've just gotten the last major update of the year. Release 49 rolled out ahead of...

Anarchy Online might be considering a new fresh start server

Sometimes all it takes to light a fire under a gaming community is a simple poll. Funcom sparked a bonfire of interest by asking fans...

The Daily Grind: What MMO had the best player community in 2017?

It's common wisdom among MMORPG players that player communities thrive in smaller games with lots of history, developer input, and social interaction. Games like...

EVE Online has a galactic-sized economy dump for you

Do you miss the feeling of being in school and staring, cross-eyed, at all sorts of graphs and charts in your classes? If so,...

The MOP Up: Wakfu climbs the Mineral Tower (December 17, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

MMO Mechanics: 2017’s MMO Mechanics in review

I cannot quite believe that we're saying goodbye to 2017 and ringing in 2018 so quickly: It certainly doesn't feel as though an entire...

One Shots: Thumbs up for justice

Even when humanity is on the brink of destruction, even when all hope is lost, it's good to know that people will still be...

The Game Archaeologist: Revisiting the first three months of World of Warcraft

Were you there? Many of us were. Many weren't. Either way, November 23rd, 2004 was a watershed date for the MMORPG industry and one watched...
episodio ocho de star wars: el último caballero

WRUP: Totally accurate stuff about The Last Jedi maybe probably edition

In the latest installment of space shooty-bits, we find out that the eponymous Last Jedi is actually a dude named Ralph because Luke Skywalker...
Look better.

The Daily Grind: Are you surprised by your MMO /played time?

26 days, 18 hours, and 34 minutes. That's the current /played time for my World of Warcraft Hunter, which is one of my more enduring...

Destiny 2 takes pity on non-Curse of Osiris owners, challenges players to snowball fights

Those who have elected not to pick up Destiny 2's first DLC might have felt like they were being shut out of more progression...

Global Chat: Something fishy in these MMOs

Fishing in MMOs: You either really get it or you really don't. Ancient Gaming Noob Wilhelm is among those who enjoys taking every opportunity...
script run//fish

Black Desert bans nearly 600 fish botters

In the war between robots and fish, the only side who wins is... wait, is there a war going between robots and fish? Well,...