A PWE studio known primarily for Star Trek Online, Neverwinter, and Champions Online.
cryptic studios
Star Trek Online offers a broad overview of upcoming space combat balance changes
The space combat of Star Trek Online is pretty much the crown jewel of the game. It's intriguing, diverse, engaging, and pretty much everyone...
Star Trek Online urges players once more into the Breach on console
The Breach queue in Star Trek Online has been trimmed up nicely for console players, shortened to the most interesting portions of the queue...
One Shots: No more worlds to conquer
There's that special joy that every screenshotter knows when you're able to get that perfect angle, that photogenic pose, and then capture it for...
Neverwinter, Star Trek Online drop Windows XP support
Still clinging to Windows XP? Hope you're not planning on playing Neverwinter. PWE announced back in December that it would be dropping support for...
Star Trek Online goes once more unto the Breach queue
A special version of Star Trek Online's Breach queue is now hailing captains to adventure.
Cryptic brought back its five-player instanced Breach for a "faster-paced, action-packed"...
Perfect Ten: Every MMORPG bestiary ever
I have played a lot of MMOs. It's inevitable, given enough years in this job and hobby. And the sad thing is that I...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 106: Ready to relaunch
Justin and Bree discuss The Secret World's relaunch, Landmark's sunset, ESO: Morrowind, Albion Online, Guild Wars 2, Ship of Heroes, and Champions Online, with a mailbag questions on ESO and multiplayer immersion.
Enter to win a Neverwinter Firesoul Gorgon mount from PWE and Massively OP
To celebrate the arrival of last week's Cloaked Ascendancy expansion for Neverwinter for PC players, PWE has granted Massively OP 50 limited-edition Firesoul Gorgon mount keys to give away to our...
Perfect Ten: MMORPGs that help you get your spaceship on
Sometimes even the most die-hard MMORPG player finds him or herself a little tired of constantly looking at the back of a head and...
Star Trek Online shows off the factional flagships for console captains
Good news for anyone playing Star Trek Online on consoles: The Tier 6 flagships are on their way. But what do the stats look...
Neverwinter’s Cloaked Ascendancy expansion has just gone live
Neverwinter's Cloaked Ascendancy expansion is live for PC players today, PWE has declared.
"The city of Neverwinter is under attack by the Cloaked Ascendancy, a...
Neverwinter shows off the mechanics of the Spellplague Caverns
The next Neverwinter patch will send players into the depths of the Spellplague Caverns, and you can be sure that the denizens therein will...
One Shots: I am no man!
The big screenshot challenge last week was to capture action, not just still shots, in MMORPGs. This is tricker than it sounds, because you...
Here’s what’s in Neverwinter’s Cloaked Ascendancy lockboxes
One of the many content chunks and upgrades landing in Neverwinter when Cloaked Ascendancy launches next week is... lockboxes. In fact, PWE put out...
Neverwinter is sunsetting in China
MMO Culture is reporting that Perfect World's China branch has announced that Neverwinter's Chinese version is shutting down. The game is expected to sunset...
Star Trek Online brings Agents of Yesterday to consoles
The original Star Trek series has come to consoles with the latest update to Star Trek Online. Sure, you could always stream the original...
Neverwinter’s Spellplague Caverns gets a tune-up
Do you like it when a developer goes back into a familiar dungeon to retune it? There's a case for familiarity and a case...
Neverwinter’s Cloaked Ascendancy introduces new randomized skirmish, weapon sets
When Neverwinter's Cloaked Ascendancy expansion launches on February 21st, players are heading into the city itself to defend it from onslaught. And one of...
PSA: Champions Online’s freeform characters are half off this week
If you've always wanted to play Champions Online Free For All but couldn't stomach paying through the teeth for a freeform toon, this weekend's...
Six new PvE queues are coming to Star Trek Online’s console editions
While Star Trek Online's console versions will probably always trail behind the PC edition in terms of the most up-to-date content, Cryptic is making...