
Check out my sick, uh... planetary surface.

Warframe brings back Operation: Plague Star through September 30th

Warframe is not a game in which you have space to debate moral niceties most of the time. There's an infected boil on the...

SCUM celebrates a million sales with a golden gun

It turns out a lot of people are eager to play a survival game wherein the players are questionably moral going into the arena....

Champions Online is hosting a streamed costume contest today

It's kind of difficult to miss that it's the ninth anniversary of Champions Online, because the game has been celebrating it pretty much non-stop....

The Daily Grind: How fast do you consume patch content in MMOs?

I do the exact same stupid trick every time there's a patch for Final Fantasy XIV. I play the heck out of it in...
Balance that mine.

Path of Exile is rebalancing its mines and offering more Sulphite

So Path of Exile had hit a minor snag with its Delve league insofar as people were not happy about how quickly one could...

World of Warcraft, Dungeons & Dragons Online, and other MMOs celebrate Talk Like A Pirate Day

It's time for everyone to once again pretend that saying "arr" after every sentence makes you sound like a nautical criminal, and internet culture...
Oh my gosh, did they try.

LawBreakers has formally shut down

It doesn't come as a surprise, but LawBreakers has officially gone dark now with the shutdown of its servers. This follows the timeline originally...
Everyone wants to feel like a hero. Sometimes there's not a hero moment.

World of Warcraft kicks off its yearly harvest festival (which is not a harvest festival)

It's time for the annual harvest festival in World of Warcraft. Harvest festivals, of course, are a time when everyone comes together as a...
It works!

Grinding Gear Games now has 120 staff members working on Path of Exile

Let's not mince words: Path of Exile is a success story in the industry, and nowhere is that clearer in its road from inception...
What will we do?

There’s a new class coming to Lord of the Rings Online, but what will it be?

There's a new class on its way to Lord of the Rings Online according to one of the weekly streams from Standing Stone Games....
The man with the scars.

Final Fantasy XIV’s Prelude in Violet is live today

It's time to explore the wreckage left after the most recent bit of Final Fantasy XIV's story with the latest patch because the new...
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater Warframe

Warframe’s latest development stream was all about shredding on your K-Drive

When Warframe players get to Fortuna and meet the Vent Kids, they're not going to be ranked by who has the best weapons. They're...
Pictured: Not actually winter, probably.

Blade & Soul previews its Korean winter update with a new trailer

The downside of games with asymmetric worldwide updates is that if you're not in the region getting updated first, you can feel a bit...
You may recognize this design from your own tabletop history. Or something like it.

Kickstarted MMO Fractured shows off its Alpha 1 map of Myr

The first alpha test for Fractured has not yet begun, but you can get a taste of what it'll be like with a look...
Trot along.

Middle-earth Enterprises reassures Lord of the Rings Online fans that the original MMO will be fine

The announcement of a new title set in Middle-earth made Lord of the Rings Online players anxious, and while Standing Stone Games was quick...
Sing a song of madness.

Wisdom of Nym: Picking apart Final Fantasy XIV’s patch 4.4 notes

Now we enter the descending period of Stormblood. This isn't exactly a bad thing or a problem or anything; it's just the way things...

South Korean legislation would make online sexual harassment a criminal offense

According to a recent report from PCGamesN, South Korean legislators are considering a bill that would make sexual harassment in online games a crime...
cat, i'm a kitty cat, and i dance dance dance and i dance dance dance

The Daily Grind: Are guilds important to your MMO experience?

There was a time in MMO history when a guild was more or less a requirement to do much of what you would want...

PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds puts players on a survival track for improved reward cadence

Maybe the real rewards in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds weren't the chicken dinners, but the people we shot in the maps along the way. The new...
Sorry, guy.

Vague Patch Notes: WildStar deserves its shutdown, even though we loved it

Last week, when we heard that WildStar was being shut down, I penned a truthful, heartfelt eulogy for the game as it could've been....