daybreak games

See: Daybreak Game Company

The Daily Grind: Would you play Star Wars Galaxies if it relaunched today?

Star Wars Galaxies is 15 years old now, and it was just about seven years ago that SOE announced it was slated for execution....

The Stream Team: A second attempt at DCUO’s second part of The Death of Superman

When Massively OP's MJ tried to do The Death of Superman, part 2 in DCUO, the game died instead. The update killed the launcher...

Battle Royale roundup: Realm Royale, H1Z1, PUBG, and Cuisine Royale

All hands on deck, people! We are at Maximum Battle Royale this summer and the bubble hasn't burst - at least not yet. Maybe...
This will not be featured.

DC Universe Online launches part 3 of the Death of Superman

He lived, he died, and he'll probably live again. Not just because comics tend to bring people back to life, but because, well, the...

Under pressure, Sony claims it’s looking into solving its crossplay dilemma

Under great amounts of pressure to reverse its anti-crossplay stance with the PlayStation 4, Sony has finally capitulated somewhat by saying that it is...

Hyperspace Beacon: Memorable moments in Star Wars Galaxies, the original Star Wars MMORPG

Yesterday, the game that solidified my place in the MMO space would have turned 15 years old, and MJ, Bree, and I took a...

Perfect Ten: The best MMO debuts by year, 1997-2006

By now, many of you probably know that I'm the curator of the MMO Timeline on my personal blog. On this page, I've attempted...

The Stream Team: Re-living Star Wars Galaxies memories in the Emu on the game’s 15th birthday

You hear Massively OP's staff talk about Star Wars Galaxies all the time. But have you seen it? Now you can. The game may...

Daybreak mourns the death of H1Z1’s lead animator

This week, Daybreak is grieving over the loss of one of its key developers, David "Sarge" Carter. Carter worked as an animator on a couple...

EverQuest patches up as EverQuest II brings back Moonlight Enchantments

Yesterday EverQuest pushed out a catch-all patch that made a slew of changes to several of the game's quests, spells, and events. It's one of...

DCUO adds a civil war as a summer vacation destination

Superheroes and swimsuits -- what's not to love? Even the hardest working warriors of justice deserve a vacation now and then. For them (and...

Smed weighs in on Sony’s historical PlayStation crossplay hangups

Sony's managed to piss off a whole lotta gamers over its unwillingness to play ball on Fortnite. As we covered last week, the PlayStation...

Global Chat: The fallout of Fallout 76

Bethesda's E3 reveal of Fallout 76 had many gamers and franchise fans talking, no more so than out among MMO bloggers. After all, taking...

The Daily Grind: What’s your biggest ever MMO splurge?

Ever since Trove launched its superhero-themed expansion Heroes, I've been hemming and hawing over buying the big mama upgrade package for the Vanguardian and...

Global Chat: The best of both worlds

If you have ever played more than one MMORPG, the thought has probably crossed your mind that you would love to see your favorite...

One Shots: Fashion patrol coming your way!

Well that is certainly one way to fill up the comments section with tons of screenshots: asking all of you to show of your...

‘Magic through serendipity’: Raph Koster on the glorious mess that was Ultima Online

I was a wide-eyed, naive kid when I first stepped into Ultima Online in 1997, and as it turns out, the developers were too. That's...
So super.

DC Universe Online opens testing for the third part of the Death of Superman

Superman has died. Bereft of life, he's gone to meet his maker. But of course DC Universe Online isn't leaving it there, and players...

EverQuesting: A guide to EverQuest II’s new Oceansfull Festival

So there was an update in EverQuest II recently. It was major enough it had a real name. But honestly, that barely garnered a...
This is wholly appropriate

PlanetSide 2’s Construction Reconstructed patch is live on PC

It's patch week for PlanetSide 2's PC servers, which is always a nice thing to get to be able to say, don't you think?...