
See: Dungeons and Dragons Online

The Stream Team: A Sharn Welcome in Dungeons & Dragons Online

Having sailed across the Thunder Sea, Massively OP's MJ has entered DDO's city of Sharn to find clues regarding the stolen Stormreach Beacon. Unfortunately...
I know, it's the wrong screen.

Dungeons & Dragons Online releases update 72.1 today with a free raid for all

It's the year of the snake, which means that it makes a certain amount of sense that Dungeons & Dragons Online has a new...

The Stream Team: Finding Forgewraiths in Dungeons & Dragons Online

When there's something weird in the neighborhood, who ya gonna call? OPTV! Massively OP's MJ has heard of some desperate residents in DDO's Cogs...

Dungeons and Dragons Online livestream dances around 64-bit server reveals and a possible progression server

With the 19th anniversary of Dungeons and Dragons Online in full swing and plenty of content coming down the pipeline in 2025, this quirky...

The Stream Team: Attending adventures underwater for Dungeons & Dragons Online 19th anniversary

Tomorrow, Dungeons & Dragons Online turns 19 years old! And after collecting an anniversary gift, Massively OP's MJ will head out to a celebratory...

Dungeons and Dragons Online tips Update 72: Balance the Scales in your favor

It's a two-for-one week over at Dungeons and Dragons Online, as this MMO is not only celebrating its 19th anniversary but rolling out a...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 507: Get ‘er Dune

Justin and Bree discuss WoW's Undermine(d), Dune Awakening's launch reveal, LOTRO and DDO 64-bit servers, Lost Ark Wild Soul, Blade and Soul NEO, Legends of Aria Classic's sunset, and the Project Gorgon vampirism patch, plus mailbag topics on non-combat PvP activities and comfort gaming.

Dungeons & Dragons Online discusses Update 72’s additions, confirms a delay for its next raid’s arrival

It's the end of the week and that means another stream from Dungeons & Dragons Online, which should come as no surprise to regular...

The Stream Team: Walking through DDO’s Epic Destinies and sentient weapons

Other than just hitting the "follow the current path" button upon leveling up, Massively OP's MJ hasn't really shown much of any mechanical development...

Dungeons and Dragons Online tests Den of Vipers raid, Dragon Disciple, and true reincarnation changes

The second round of testing for Dungeons and Dragons Online's Update 72 opened up this week. New this time around are adjustments to the...

Dungeons and Dragons Online’s 2025 roadmap heralds a 64-bit server migration and Lamordia expansion

We're finally getting a look at Dungeons and Dragons Online's 2025 outlook as of this afternoon, as Standing Stone Games producer Amanda "Tolero" Grow...

Dungeons & Dragons Online PTR shares patch notes for its updated Monk and Dragon Disciple archetype

Last month, the devs of Dungeons & Dragons Online shared some preliminary looks at what Update 72 would be doing to the Monk class...

The Stream Team: In the Flesh in Dungeons & Dragons Online

Following the leads Massively OP's MJ uncovered while doing investigations for the Stormreach Harbor paper's danger-averse reporters, Hector Hyssop has traced the mastermind behind...

Speak friend and enter: Lord of the Rings Online has finally launched its official Discord

If you can remember last July - and I realize last July was several decades ago, but bear with me - you might recall...

The Stream Team: What’s in your warehouse, DDO?

Twisted monstrosities rampaging around the Saltire District Dungeons & Dragons Online and dozens of people are missing. And now strange sounds are coming from...
wheedly wheedly wah

Dungeons and Dragons Online’s 2025 producer’s letter and roadmap are en route this month

Dungeons and Dragons Online's community continues to be in a holding pattern for this year's big producer's letter. And while SSG won't commit to...

Leaderboard: What’s the most vulnerable Daybreak MMO in 2025?

You know, you're not reading this piece until January, but I sat down to write it ahead of the turn of the year, when...

The Stream Team: More madness and fun with mind flayers in Dungeons & Dragons Online

When one saga ends, a new one begins. But which DDO quest arc will Massively OP's MJ choose next? After dealing with the madness...

Dungeons and Dragons Online dashes through the Snowpeaks Festival as players grumble over the Monk

Christmas may be over, but that's not going to stop Dungeons and Dragons Online from tossing a winter-themed holiday smack in the middle of...
Sort of?

Perfect Ten: 10 MMORPGs with creative idea hooks

There's so much blatant -- and lazy! -- copying in the world of entertainment and arts that anything novel is to be cherished. I've...