dev blog

Crowfall eyes artifacts and relics as a new stretch goal

With eight days left in its Kickstarter campaign, Crowfall is pushing hard for last-minute stretch goal milestones. In addition to mounts and caravans if...

Guild Wars 2 dumps WvW requirement from world exploration

Have you been stuck on the last bit of world map completion in Guild Wars 2 because the World vs. World zones weren't cooperating?...

Crowfall walks you through the life of your character

Today Crowfall treated its fans to a whopper of a dev diary detailing the path of progression that a character will take from a...

WildStar’s next drop adds contracts and vanity pets

Looking forward to the next evolution of WildStar? Well, it's coming, cupcake! The team announced today that it's started testing the next drop, Invasion:...

Flameseeker Chronicles: The Guild Wars 2 legacy

Flameseeker Chronicles is back, now under new management! I can't tell you how thrilled I am to write the fortnightly column about all things...

Skyforge’s closed beta test is now live

Choo-choo! The Skyforge closed beta train is pulling into the station, and eager testers are being welcomed aboard. If you're one of the lucky recipients...

Ultima Online is working on a new expansion

Broadsword has today announced that it is working on a new expansion for the classic Ultima Online sandbox. Time of Legends, the devs say in a new...
Das Tal

Das Tal’s latest dev blog talks bug squashing and upcoming tests

Das Tal's latest dev blog is live, and with it all manner of detail as to what the team's been up to lately. Last month's...