

The Daily Grind: What feels like a sufficiently interesting central MMO expansion feature to you?

So while we don't yet have the full picture of how masteries will look for Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons, thus far I am...

The Daily Grind: What makes an MMO map amazing?

I love maps. Love love love maps. I spend a stupid amount of time exploring the world on Google Maps, and no, that's not...

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPGs have you played most excessively?

I saw a fun thread on Reddit a while back I thought would be fun to pitch to our community too. The question asked...
Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.

The Daily Grind: Are there MMOs that would be better off without crafting?

Crafting is important. I like crafting. In games that do it well, I flat out love it; in games that do it decently but...

The Daily Grind: Do you like building your own MMO house or having the shell created for you?

One thing that I very much like about the current state of Fallout 76 is that the game gives you two options in regards...

The Daily Grind: What are the dumbest arguments in the MMO genre?

I saw a quote on Twitter a while back that really resonated with me: "Hell is aging and growing older but having to hear the...
Like a boss.

The Daily Grind: Which MMO gets closest to your ideal PvP mechanics?

I really like the passive PvP mechanics in Final Fantasy XI. The actual PvP is rather lacking and leaves a lot to be desired, but...

The Daily Grind: What elements make for a truly great MMO dungeon?

Not all MMO dungeons are created alike. Some were assembled by C-minus students in shop class, slapped together with rusty nails and bare minimum...

The Daily Grind: What are your ‘problematic faves’ in MMOs?

A couple of years ago, our staff did a piece on problematic faves - you know, games or IPs or studios or whatevers that...

The Daily Grind: Do you think Crowfall has a future?

So Crowfall developer Artcraft suffered a batch of layoffs. This is not in and of itself all that unusual; lots of companies have layoffs after...

The Daily Grind: Should there be an MMO ‘caretaker’ company for unwanted titles?

A couple of weeks ago, I watched through the entirety of Vanguard's Jeff Butler's three-hour interview concerning MMO projects that he worked on and...
I don't want more of this! I never wanted any of it!

The Daily Grind: Which MMOs begin as they mean to go on?

In Eliot's open letter to new players and vets of Final Fantasy XIV last month, he noted that Final Fantasy XIV's endgame is not...
It's an old deck, I swear.

The Daily Grind: What’s the worst type of minigame in MMOs?

Today's Daily Grind was inspired by Roger over at Contains Moderate Peril, who penned a fun piece on minigames a few weeks back. Oh,...
Yes, I know, this is fishing.

The Daily Grind: What are some unwritten rules of your MMO communities?

Everyone who plays Final Fantasy XIV for any appreciable length of time knows that there is a third-party DPS tracking application out there. It's common...

The Daily Grind: When was the last time you slowed down to enjoy your MMO?

It hasn't escaped my attention that, in MMOs, speed is everything. If we're not running somewhere, we're sprinting. If we're not sprinting, we're on...

The Daily Grind: How long a commitment are you willing to make to an MMORPG?

During a MOP Podcast back in August, our own Justin noted that he'd lost interest in the Lord of the Rings Online Treebeard server...
why why why why why why

The Daily Grind: Are there IPs you still want to see in MMO form despite failed projects?

My bitterness toward Jagex is entirely down to how the company handled its license to make a Transformers online game. Transformers Universe was first announced...
Sorry, guy.

The Daily Grind: Should double-jump be an MMO standard feature?

I don't care if it's not realistic, I love double-jumping. Ever since the days of Metroid, getting that sweet extra air time made me...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO is the best at respecting your time?

A few weeks ago, in response to our Daily Grind about how many MMOs we've all logged into this summer, one reader replied with...

The Daily Grind: Are you partial to specific launch windows for MMOs?

Earlier in August, Nexon CEO Owen Mahoney dropped some cold truth during the company's quarterly investor call, arguing that the "charade of launch timing...